I don't trust any of 'em as far as I could throw them - which isn't far because I'm weak and have a bum shoulder on top of it. I'm prepared (well, not prepared, but unsurprised) for anything they come up with.

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I'm hopeful that a tidal wave of Harris votes will more than carry the electoral college, the RICO (Republican In Claim Only) party will self destruct, Hakeem Jeffries will become the new House Speaker, the Senate will be blue too.

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Those guys! Glad you've got their number.

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Could the secret be the new commercials where the GOP is using the vocabulary of the Democrats? Whatever, nice work.

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Speaker Johnson is making me think of the Rice Krispies characters. Unfortunately, he doesn't intend anything good for us if he remains Speaker of the House.

I now have the song stuck in my head...One thing leads to another.....very appropriate

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To do a deeper dive into this very real threat, check out investigative reporter Greg Palast's "Vigilantes, Inc." It's a free download on his website.

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