🌈🦋🦜. When the girls have competition games, the visiting girls team uses the boys bathroom to change. Having tampons available in the boys bathroom for them is thoughtful.

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The nickname "Tampon Tim" is proof positive that Republicans can't find anything bad to say about Tim Walz.

The funniest thing I saw recently was a Fox news anchor trying to spin the fact that Walz was the least wealthy representative when he was in Congress and that he didn't own any stocks, by declaring that "Walz doesn't invest in America".

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It wasn't a Faux Anchor. It was Ben Shapiro (a faux populist.)

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No, it was a Fox anchor that I heard it from. Unsurprisingly, they are just echoing each other as usual.

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Unbelievable. Like that is one of the most important issues facing Americans. At the national presidential level. Very weird indeed.

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So what indeed. Fuckin weirdos, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

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Looking on social I found a brand new piece of FELON/RAPIST-trump "must have" merch.... a WHITE MAGA HAT with what looked like a BLOOD STAIN above the ear. While in Milwaukee for the State Fair we picked up a pin that read.... MAYBE IT'S THE GUNS..... don don't whine about getting shot when you do NOTHING to stop it.

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What is it about republicans that they cannot stay out of a woman's vagina? Seriously - reproductive health care, tampons, abortion, birth control, child marriage ----- they are like (bleach-blonde, bad-built, butch body”) MTG who walks around the Capitol with nude photos of Hunter Biden and who flashes them if there is anyone with a camera close by!!

Back to this cartoon - it has so many relevant items in it - the need for health care products, the best absorbent depends, the desperation of the cultist MAGAts to find anything “bad” that will stick with Gov. Walz and Veep Harris. And the commentary you provide @clayjones is so much beter than the gocomics trolls who spew such vile hatred. I’m waiting for the convicted felon to turn on his “mini-me” because he is starting to look sane and a good alternative to the name-calling liar.

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Republicans are going crazy trying to find an attack against Walz that resonates with anyone that isn't addicted to FAUX and going to vote MAGA anyhow.

Either that, or they're scared to death that this year marks the ninth rerun of the Trump whining show, and their base is getting tired of the same old whines. The lack of attendance at Trump rallies is clear proof of that.

I live just outside Memphis in Tennessee. There is a TRUMP electronic billboard going on the main road into town now. It's the only electronic billboard in town that is alternating between "TRUMP, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" and "You can advertise in this space". Evidently, even in Tennessee, nobody wants to be associated with the Trump campaign. It's not a seller this time.

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A LOL cartoon, followed by serious commentary is just what I needed today. Thank you, Clay, for the great balance!

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I wonder how they feel about diaper changing stations in men's public restrooms?! I mean, God forbid a dad would change his child's poopy diaper!

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Too perfect! Trump is a lizard person!

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Put Stephen Miller in a Nazi uniform, take his photo and compare it with one of Reinhardt Heydrich and no one could challenge you saying that Miller and Heydrich are probably related.

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Love the photo of the porta potties.

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