Sep 25·edited Sep 25

The thought of Mango Man being any woman's protector is laughable - and not in a very funny way, but in a very absurd way! OMG, he's the last person - along with Justa Dick Vance - that I would expect ANY sort of protection from, not even a condom. I'll be glad when these 2 jokers and their ilk are out of the picture. I'm tired of being so full of hate. It's not my nature, but I can't seem to shake it. :(

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Trump Taliban, like it and will use it. I've been using American Taliban, but this is better. Thanks!

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Florida man basically said- don't you worry your pretty little heads about it. (Insert eye roll). Chalk it up to another lie - the check is in the mail, my dog ate my homework, I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today....

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This toon and blog is spot-on, as it compares trump to the taliban in treatment of women, and as it contrasts trump and Harris ability and experience in foreign affairs. Scary shit.

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The men of Afghanistan are learning the truth of Martin Niemoller's statement about not standing up for others and when it came to his turn there was no one to stand up for him. They are now forced to grow beards, not wear western clothing or hair styles and the morality police are going door to door to talk to them about not attending the mosque.


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The reason some people think Trump is better on foreign policy is simple, he's promised to encourage Bibi to destroy or remove all of Palestine and claim it as Israel, and that's the only "foreign policy" position they care about. Period.

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