Excellent today, Clay. I agree with you 100% and fuck Netanyayhoo.

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One of my first thoughts was how do they know those pagers and walkie talkies are only used by members of Hezbollah? Did Terrorists R Us make some kind of bulk purchase?

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Even if they could have been limited to Hezbollah members, they're standing in proximity to non-members. This attack is a violation of international law.

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Spot-on, Clay!!! Murdering innocent civilians is NEVER right and there is NEVER justification. Full stop.

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Wow...so Israel says that only Hezbollah terrorists use the pagers? Really? Heard this this morning and that really sucks, Netanyayhoo...excellent toon and blog.

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My apologies Clay, I didn't address your implied question of "how did Israel get the modified devices into the hands of Hezbollah and why were they using pagers?"

They use pagers because Israel has been tracking devices they buy which have GPS installed. That this says Israel is injecting code (hacking) cellphones is certain, and which cellphones have been affected is unknown, as is how many. Might be yours or mine, no way to answer that until the hack is known and the code disabled.

That's why they've been using pagers and walkie talkies, because Israel was tracking their positions and (presumably) using drones to hit those positions. Or asking the US or Saudi to do it.

As to how they got them into the hands of Hezbollah people, "technically" they intercepted the supply chain, practically speaking they had people posing as smugglers who sold them the modified devices.

Buy your pagers here folks, special today, free bomb included!

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Both Israel and Palestine have been routinely using terrorism as part of their operations for forty years or more. The only thing new here would be Israel going to mass terrorism directly as government rather than supporting those who were routinely using terrorism in the West Bank and Gaza while pretending this was not government policy.

The pretense was being slowly dropped since the "right of self determination" law was upheld by the Israeli Supreme Court, and now that last bandaid has been ripped off. All the actors in the Israel/Palestine conflict are now openly using terrorism as policy.

A pox on all their houses. The US should support NOBODY in this mess.

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Israel is in violation of international law and plain decency with an attack which does not limit harm to civilians. Support for it continues to erode as the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution calling on Israel to leave all Palestinian territories conquered and occupied in '67.

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“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

Netanyahu has become a villain.


Yonatan "Yoni" Netanyahu died a hero.


His brother Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu became the villain.


The wrong brother died at Entebbe.


➡️Here’s the link

➡️to my infamous

➡️Pre-Election Signature:😉




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