A fine exegesis of Drumf's self-immolation. He said out loud that which everyone knew. We aren't even shocked. I expect to be vastly amused by his Party's attempts at revisionism. Those who invited him are to be thanked, applauded, and recognized. Their assistance in his self-evisceration should get them a Medal of Freedom and Pulitzer prizes. Their act was an "emperor has no clothes" moment.
His cult will become smaller and closer. They will, alas, be dangerous when he loses. Between this and Project 2025, one would think that he doesn't want to be President. Me, neither.
Orange Foolius hasn't wanted to be President since he won in 2016 and found out that it's a difficult job that can't easily be done by a complete moron. But his fragile ego won't allow him to let it go.
Actually, I think what might have happened last month is that there was a second bullet that passed through his head, from ear to ear, encountering no vital tissues. This talk, that the kid was a bad shot, is misdirection. Anyway, the guy who is even angrier, pettier and more brain dead is a double of the Mango Monstrosity. And those nasty Black Journalists, so disrespecting of his greatness, asking such inflammatory journalistic questions will end in re-education centers should Agent Orange win. And they will learn what the "Black work that immigrants will steal" is, since they asked.
Traitor Tot has retooled the name of his hideout. It used to be called "Mar a Lago", but now it's called "MARA Lago", which means "Make America Racist Again Lake".
A fine exegesis of Drumf's self-immolation. He said out loud that which everyone knew. We aren't even shocked. I expect to be vastly amused by his Party's attempts at revisionism. Those who invited him are to be thanked, applauded, and recognized. Their assistance in his self-evisceration should get them a Medal of Freedom and Pulitzer prizes. Their act was an "emperor has no clothes" moment.
His cult will become smaller and closer. They will, alas, be dangerous when he loses. Between this and Project 2025, one would think that he doesn't want to be President. Me, neither.
Orange Foolius hasn't wanted to be President since he won in 2016 and found out that it's a difficult job that can't easily be done by a complete moron. But his fragile ego won't allow him to let it go.
Actually, I think what might have happened last month is that there was a second bullet that passed through his head, from ear to ear, encountering no vital tissues. This talk, that the kid was a bad shot, is misdirection. Anyway, the guy who is even angrier, pettier and more brain dead is a double of the Mango Monstrosity. And those nasty Black Journalists, so disrespecting of his greatness, asking such inflammatory journalistic questions will end in re-education centers should Agent Orange win. And they will learn what the "Black work that immigrants will steal" is, since they asked.
This toon and blog present to the viewer/reader the facts about trump being a racist. Clear and not disputable evidence. Excellent work again, Clay.
Traitor Tot has retooled the name of his hideout. It used to be called "Mar a Lago", but now it's called "MARA Lago", which means "Make America Racist Again Lake".
"Are you guys sure you're not Indians?"
That's another cartoon right there.