My pal, buddy, amigo, cartooning colleague and Substack mentor up to this point, Jack Ohman (check out his page), wrote in his blog last night, “Trump doesn’t advocate racism. He is the corporeal presence of racism itself.”
Yes, Donald Trump is a racist. This is not new news. People like Jack and myself have known way before 2016 that Trump is a racist. His racist dumpster fire of a trainwreck didn’t inform us of how racist he is, it was just a reminder. Oh yeah, he really hates Black people and he struggles to hide it. Hopefully, it will now be clear to at last some of the people who’ve been in denial over the past eight years that Donald Trump is a racist. Does anyone know how this has been defended over at Fox News, or are they as upset as Trump that Black journalists had the gall to question Mr. Trump during an interview?
We haven’t seen a racist president fail at hiding his hate this much since Ronald Reagan (Mr. Gorbachav…tear down that welfare queen!).
What Donald Trump did yesterday at the convention for the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) didn’t help his campaign. It probably will hurt it with Independent voters. But it did not hurt it with his MAGA base. It will not move them either way because Trump’s vile ugliness and racism are part of his attraction to them. It’ll move them about as much as Trump choosing JD Vance to be his running mate. It won’t be a factor. Racism and couch fucking just aren’t the type of things to put off a MAGAt.
Actually, some have been critical behind the scenes that JD is married to a non-white person (has Trump invented a racist nickname for her yet? We’ll get to that), so if they found out it was a black couch in the story, there could be trouble. A campaign hasn’t vetted a veep prospect this poorly since the John McCain Campaign.
So, how do Republicans ignore that Donald Trump is a racist? He proved yesterday how racist he is just by being unable to describe what a “Black job” is. When asked, when asked, he said, “A Black job is anybody that has a job, that’s what it is.” Man, I’m looking forward to Kamala Harris making the presidency a Black job again (there’s your hat, weirdos. Fuck. That’s a cartoon).
But, how is what Trump described different from a White job?
Trump was trying to get Black journalists angry at undocumented immigrants when he said, “I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking Black jobs.” Of course, this isn’t true. The only thing we have to figure out from it is whether it’s more racist toward Hispanics or Blacks.
Trump told several lies during the interview at NABJ, which he granted because he thought it was the National Association of Blow Jobs. The biggest lie he told was that Vice President Kamala Harris, his likely opponent in November, never identified herself as Black until recently and always left it out while identifying as Indian-American.
After the 2016 election, I said people who voted for Trump weren’t necessarily racist, but that racism was not a deal breaker for them. During the 2020 election, it was difficult to argue Trump supporters aren’t racist after his four years in the presidency (sic). Now in 2024, especially after yesterday’s event, only racists are voting for Trump. Yeah, I said it. I feel confident in calling Trump a racist along with his supporters because of his words and actions.
In the 1970s (he’s old), the government sued him for not renting to Black people.
In the 1980s, Trump placed ads in every newspaper in New York City calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five (Black and Hispanic kids), accused rapists who turned out to be innocent. He never apologized.
In 2005, he wanted his show, The Apprentice, to feature teams of Whites Vs. Blacks. That’ll get the ratings.
In 2010, he opposed a mosque, labeled the “Ground Zero Mosque,” being built near the site of the 9/11 attacks in Lower Manhattan. Trump said, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
Trump pushed the lie that President Obama wasn’t eligible for the presidency because he wasn’t born in the United States. Trump claimed he would prove it over ten years ago, yet we’re still waiting.
While being sued over his fake university, Trump argued that a judge wasn’t qualified to preside over the case because he was “Mexican.” This is the comment that then-House Speaker Paul Ryan described as “the textbook definition of a racist comment,” which I’m not sure was a criticism since Ryan later endorsed Trump.
Trump once tweeted an image that showed Hillary Clinton in front of a pile of money and by a Jewish Star of David that said, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” He later deleted the tweet and then flip-flipped and defended it.
Trump has retweeted Nazis.
The mantle of the“law and order” candidate Trump adopted during the 2016 Republican National Convention is a racist dog whistle.
In a pitch to Black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” He followed with, “Are you guys sure you’re not Indians?” (I may have made that last one up).
How do you defend him after his call for a ban on Muslims? How do you defend the campaign promise from 2016 of surveilling every mosque in the country?
He started his first campaign claiming that Mexico was sending us “rapists and murderers?
While president (sic), he argued that George Soros was funding caravans of immigrants to “invade” our nation.
Trump also racially taunted Elizabeth Warren when he repeatedly called her “Pocahontas.”
During her 2020 presidential campaign, Trump again called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” and tweeted, “See you on the campaign TRAIL,” which was a reference to the event of ethnic cleansing during the 19th century when Native Americans were purged from their homes resulting in thousands of deaths. Trump found his racism clever.
In a bipartisan meeting, Trump asked why are we getting all these people from “shithole” countries? He then said he wanted more immigration from places like Norway, which is over 90 percent White. Ironically, Norwegians referred to the USA as a “shithole country” while Trump was president (sic).
How do you defend “Send Them Back,” which was directed at four non-white female members of Congress, three born in this nation and the other a naturalized citizen (who’s been a citizen longer than Melania Trump. That’s a fun fact)? Trump also said they were from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe.” He wasn’t wrong with that one.
An FBI study found that hate crimes started to increase the day after Donald Trump was placed into the White House (sic) by Putin in 2016. Even if you don’t think he’s racist, hate groups do.
Shortly after Trump entered the White House in 2016, much in the same way JD Vance would enter a couch, the KKK held a victory parade for Trump, not JD, in North Carolina.
Trump wanted Black NFL players fired for protesting against systemic racism.
How do you explain out of the 41 people chosen for his cabinet and Chief of Staff, only three were non-white, Ben Carson, Elaine Chow, and Nikki Haley?
Speaking of Nikki Haley, how do you explain Trump referring to her during the 2024 primaries as “Nimbra,” a play on her first name, Nimarata.
Now, he’s mispronouncing Kamala Harris’s name, making it sound more like the name of the late professional wrestler Kamala The Ugandan Giant, a gimmick of the late James Harris, who was from Mississippi.
How do you question Trump isn’t racist with “Build The Wall?” The “wall” would not be effective and instead, just be an expensive taxpayer-funded racist monument to Donald Trump.
While he was president (sic), Trump stereotyped a Black reporter (believing all Black people know each other). He equated tiki-torch nazis with anti-racism protesters. He made jokes about the Trail of Tears. He called COVID-19 the “Chinese Virus” and “Kung Flu.”
In a Congressional testimony in 1993, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.” Hmmm…that sounds familiar.
Now, how do you argue that Trump isn’t a racist after questioning a Black woman’s identity? He’s also questioned her legitimacy much in the same way he engaged in Birtherism over President Obama’s birthplace. How can you claim he’s not racist after claiming Kamala Harris “turned black?”
How does any person who believes Trump’s not a racist vote for a racist like Trump?
How do any Black or Hispanic Trumpers not spontaneously combust after putting that red hat on their heads?
But just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, Donald Trump is a racist.
Creative note: I wrote this idea yesterday along with four others on this issue (never mind the cartoon I drew before this news came out that’s still unpublished. I was undecided between this one, because I think it’s funnier, and the “Say it to my face” cartoon, which I finally decided on because it felt more timely and appropriate. And I wrote a few more ideas after that. One of them included sharks. But I came back to this. I grew up a fan of The Jeffersons.
Watch me draw in 30 seconds:
Watch me draw with a voiceover:
Music note: I listened to Coheed and Cambria while coloring this cartoon. For the new kids, I can’t listen to music, TV, or anything while drawing the cartoon. I can only listen while coloring when I don’t need to think as much. I can tune people out in public unless they’re on a speakerphone. I can draw in a room of 1,000 people and it won’t bother me, but that one jackass on speakerphone will raise all the hair on the back of my neck.
Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon at Claytoonz is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I’m currently out of copies but I’ll restock my personal batch soon so you order your copy signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only ten copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00
Tip Jar: If you want to support the cartoonist, please donate through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402
A fine exegesis of Drumf's self-immolation. He said out loud that which everyone knew. We aren't even shocked. I expect to be vastly amused by his Party's attempts at revisionism. Those who invited him are to be thanked, applauded, and recognized. Their assistance in his self-evisceration should get them a Medal of Freedom and Pulitzer prizes. Their act was an "emperor has no clothes" moment.
His cult will become smaller and closer. They will, alas, be dangerous when he loses. Between this and Project 2025, one would think that he doesn't want to be President. Me, neither.
This toon and blog present to the viewer/reader the facts about trump being a racist. Clear and not disputable evidence. Excellent work again, Clay.