Jul 25Liked by Clay Jones

That litter box is WAY nastier than the one upstairs that my 2 cats use!! YIKES! I might be a childless cat lady, but I've got 2 awesome cats with better manners and more IQ points than this "hillbilly" TURD!


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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones

The stupidity of Vance lumping childless women (even if they’re childless by choice) and cat ownership is astounding. Like you said, Clay, does he not understand that there are childless women who are Republicans? And some of them might have dogs instead of cats. A few may even have a snake, or a parakeet. But this is what the Rs thrive on — anything that mocks or divides. And remember whose show he was on when he first made that ridiculous claim: Tucker Carlson, someone who could be described as feeling inferior to most women, and I base that on the hostility he shows them.

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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones

Oh, and BTW, congrats on the continued streak!

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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones

You are Mighty Cartoon Man, Clay. Keep it up please.


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Great cartoon and a most on-the-mark commentary.!

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Jul 25Liked by Clay Jones

JDV sounds like a new VD... This toon and blog are genius.

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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones

I wish you could get that cute black kitty to jump in the box and kick litter right into the open mouth of that idiot Vance and make him 'eat shit and bark at the moon', as my brother likes to say! God, what a turd he is! Also, congrats on your great streak, Clay! Amazing!

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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones


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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones

Trump has about five weeks to drop JD Vance, and then it will be too late. I don't think he'll do it, because that would mean admitting he made a mistake, and Trump never ever does that. He'd have to get Vance to step down on his own hook (apparently) and Vance has that massive ego just like Trumps. So he's probably stuck with him.

Fine by me. Two pieces of crap in the same elephants litter box, IMHO.

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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones

And another thing, unless you know someone that's died of a truly tiny medical issue, then you can't claim to be a hillbilly. I knew a guy who died of a hangnail. He kept ignoring it until he got gangrene and it killed him. His brother is in the hospital with the exact same problem. We'll see if he lives. And yes, I'm from the Kentucky coal fields and I worked in those mines for nearly seventeen years, and was raised on a tobacco farm.

I left because there's no money coming in that region and lots going out. I'm WAY more a hillbilly than that overeducated brown noser Vance.

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Trump doesn't admit mistakes but he'll still ditch somebody and ignore it was his fault, like half his cabinet and Chiefs (plural) of staff. How many people has he called a whacko that he hired?

There's no talk about the upper members of the Trump Campaign wanting to ditch JD, but there's some grumbling among the lower staffers. But if JD keeps messing up and proves to be a drag on the ticket, it wouldn't surprise me if he's kicked to the curb. If that happens, Trump will probably ignore it and announce the replacement as if nothing happened.

Just like Sarah Palin for the John McCain Campaign, JD wasn't vetted. They probably skimmed his book and considered that vetting. Or then again, they did vet him and didn't see any problems with his racism, antisemitism, and misogyny.

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Jul 26Liked by Clay Jones

I don't think he will do it. The appearance to him is more than any reality. And he doesn't ever want to appear weak to his base.

Sending nominations to the various SoS's is all done at different dates, but the requirement to get them all in by Labor Day is pretty much set in stone. I think Trump won't do anything before it's too late. He's much too busy trying to figure out how to run against someone he hasn't been slurring for five years.

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