One Scaramucci in time, and Rep. Al Green (not the singer) has announced his intention to file impeachment over the Gaza nonsense. Of course, being a Democrat, it will come to nothing. But the honeymoon is over. Jeremy Raskin has raised the specter of Elon Musk, as a government employee, not disclosing his net worth as is required by law. If Musty takes the fifth, I believe he will eventually be Felon Musk. Otherwise, Sue, dude by law needs to be out of his DOGEbreath office.

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He has to break the law before he can be impeached...or at least that's how it should work. Talking about it isn't breaking the law.

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The R led Oversight committee has decided Skum doesn't need any oversight. Wonder what he has on the Rs.

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“Wonder what he has on the Rs.”

Oh… probably one or two Billion dollars… you know, [Ch/Tr]ump Change… you know, the money he finds under his couch cushions (careful, they might be sticky if JDV has been there)🤮🤮🤮🤬🤬🤬



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Palestinians would be Trump's right kind of people if they had lots of money. I was gobsmacked when he said it was a "long-term ownership position" among other comments about clearing out Gaza and just sending people to Jordan and Egypt.

Going forward reporters need to hold Republican congress critter's feet to the fire and directly ask, non-stop about Musk's actions and Trump's ideas about Gaza. Ask the hard questions about why Trump isn't doing all these things legally through his bought and paid for Congress. If they lose their place in the White House press pool, so be it, they are doing no favors giving this coup cover.

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BTW, the POTUS can deploy US troops for 90 days without any notice to Congress or any permission from anyone. The War Powers Act of 1973 says so.

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Long term ownership is what he had when he renovated the old Post Office on Penna Av NW in DC then had to let it go. He has no business acumen and less than no compassion.

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He said repeatedly that he wanted the Gazans out, I'm not a bit surprised.

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That idea is just...batshit insane. I don't think he's smart enough to use it as a distraction. He actually thinks it's a viable idea. Yeesh.

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I believe he'll be sending US troops in by the end of next month. He really wants a "legacy", and pushing out the Gazans would change the world map in a way that could not be reversed.

I've seen people saying "guerilla action" and similar nonsense, they do not seem to understand the operation Trump wants. If there are no people, there is no meaningful "guerilla action". Gaza is not large, it can be swept clean and anyone resisting can be killed. You might get stray suicide bombers and such, and the Mideast would be CRAZY against Israel and the USA for many decades to come. And it would probably tip Iran into finally assembling nuclear weapons. But DJT doesn't give a damn about any of that.

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I'm not a military expert. But if the POS actually tries any of this, he will turn the entire Middle East against the US, and by collateral, Israel. I can think of lots of ways that those guerillas can get to the US, even here. The consequences will be incalculable, and deadly to us. People think 9/11 was bad? They ain't seen nothing yet. And wait until Skum and his 20-something hit squad starts hitting Medicare, Medicaid and SS. The fools, Skum and Orange Snake, think they're invincible. When veterans and military start losing pay, benefits, VA medical, they'll find out just how stupid they are.

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Does he care? I really don't think so.

His understanding of the Middle East is less than even Bush II's, and that idiot believed democracy would sweep the region like a bonfire. Jackass.

Right this minute, he's cutting short student visa's for Muslims and sending them out of the US. Does that show any care for whether they love the USA or hate it?

Personally, I think he hopes for attacks so he can get an excuse to nuke Iran.

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I never had any doubt that Trump would do exactly this. I do have to wonder what all those "teach the Democrats a lesson over Gaza" people think about it. Especially those Arab-Americans in Dearborn Michigan. It would be nice to hear from them about it, eh?

And Trump will be off to the Super Bowl, sitting next to people deeply involved in the local child sex scandal coverup by the Archdiocese. Birds of a feather, IMHO.

BTW, they've removed "end racism" from the goals. It's not "uplifting" or "positive" enough, per the NFL. Wonder what the players think about that?

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I hope the Super Bowl fans start throwing things at him.

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That cartoon nails it. DAMN. Will we ever evolve?

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More like a cry of despair.

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Trump loves to distract by overwhelming the board and by throwing complete shite, which would harm a normal person's reputation, against the wall. The Democratic Party needs to quit trying to play nice and to begin playing one long game of deny, delay and defuse.

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In the meeting between trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, which one was hitler and which one was Mussolini?

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I call him the Mango Mussolini. Netanyahu would be Hitler under that nomenclature. I have often felt that if there is an ethnic group that should be more cognizant of the need for recognizing universal human rights it is the Ashkenazim. But they have learned nothing from their experience. Or, worse, they have learned to be Nazis themselves. Even before Menachem Begin joined the Irgun (he was a leader of the Stern Gang, responsible for the bombing of King David Hotel) they were promoting fascist ideals - including the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Nearly 80 years later, they have a partner in their plan.

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Parts of yesterday's press conference reminded me of so many people with dementia.

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My only disagreement with what you wrote, Clay, is that Netanyahu IS & has been committing genocide not that he wants to. A US Palestinian friend has posted pictures of family in Gaza driven from their home (now rubble) to Ramallah to refugee camp after camp only to be driven out by rockets. Palestinians want their land back. Homes. Lives with few restrictions. Life for children to learn. Hamas is a terrorist organization not unlike Christian Nationalists world over. A question in the comments was whether we’ve evolved. It seems obvious. We’ve not.

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To be clear, my question wasn't "whether" we've evolved (even at my most caffeine-deprived I can see we haven't) but "will we ever" evolve. My Magic 8 Ball says outlook not so good, but still I keep hoping.

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He knows what he says...excellent toon and blog. Why doesn't someone make it stop?

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"[The United States will] own [Gaza]. We're going to take over that piece, develop it and create thousands and thousands of jobs, and it will be something the entire Middle East can be proud of."

"I envision the world people living there, the world's people. You'll make that into an international unbelievable place. I think the potential in the Gaza strip is unbelievable, [it could be] the riviera of the Middle East."

"The whole thing is a mess. I don't think people should be going back to Gaza. I think that Gaza has been very unlucky for them. They've lived like hell; they've lived like you're living in hell. Gaza is not a place for people to be living. The only reason they want to go back, and I believe this strongly, is they have no alternative. What's the alternative? Go where? If they had an alternative, they'd much rather not go back to Gaza and live in a beautiful alternative that's safe."

"[The Palestinians will] be resettled in areas where they can live a beautiful life... [Egypt and Jordan] say they're not going to accept [the Palestinians]. I say they will, but I think other countries will accept also."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The NYT sane washed the crap out of that. Their headline says "Trump Proposes". Just what about "will" and "going to" and "will be resettled" is in any way "proposes"? He said "I'm gonna do this", very very bluntly.

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Re other cartoonists, Varvel, Lisa B, Kelley and a few others are kissing you-know-what and lying, I'm surprised to see a couple seeing the light. Bok has been surprising the past few days. Ramirez still can't decide which side he's on.

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Watch the movie "2073"


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