I saw two cartoons today that supported Elon’s positions without addressing the issue they were covering. That’s the great thing about being a MAGAt lickspittle cartoonist. You don’t have to do any research or go through the grueling process of thinking for yourself.
Lisa Benson and Gary Varvel have swallowed Elon’s reasons for killing USAID even though they haven’t seen any evidence from Elon that justifies his claims. The cult of Elon is a spinoff of the Trump Cult, much like Joey was a spinoff of Friends. Unfortunately, this Cult of Elon will last more than one season.
Two weeks ago, we got to see every right-wing cartoonist in the nation defend a Sieg Heil and Nazis. I can’t wait to see how they defend ethnic cleansing.
Yesterday, Donald Trump proposed an ethnic cleansing of Gaza by deporting all the Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan and then turning all of Gaza into the “Riviera of the Middle East.”
This is the racists’ solution to the problem of race relations. Just get rid of other races. Keep in mind that Trump was once sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent to Black tenants. For Trump, Palestinians aren’t the right type of people.
Standing next to Israeli Prime Minister and fellow felon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump’s idea wasn’t as much of a proposal as much as it’s something he deems absolute. Donald Trump said the United States would seize Gaza, displace all the Palestinians to Egypt and Syria, and turn it into the “Riviera of the Middle East.” He said America will “own” Gaza.
I’m sure Trump envisions golf courses, casinos, resorts, hotels, and water courses in Gaza that Caucasians will make a lot of money from. Of course, the people who own it don’t have a say in this. Trump wants to grab Palestinians by the Gaza.
Trump thinks this will bring peace to the Middle East but anyone believing a land grab from Palestinians will bring peace hasn’t been paying attention. Jared Kushner previously made this same proposal saying one could “move the people out and then clean it up.” Do these guys not hear themselves and realize how racist that sounds?
Trump did not cite any legal authority giving him the right to take over Gaza, and he didn’t address the fact that forcible removal of a population violates international law. But hey, he made this announcement while standing next to a fugitive war criminal.
Trump does not listen to both sides in the Israel/Palestinian conflict. He only listens to Netanyahu. For example, he didn’t pay any attention or give a shit when he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The Middle East conflict is very complicated and tough for even intelligent people to understand, but Trump can’t even read Middle East For Dummies. Netanyahu wants to commit genocide on Palestinians and having a stupid racist American president at his disposal plays into his hands.
Playing Donald Trump like a racist fiddle, Bibi said to him before the press, “You cut to the chase. You see things others refuse to see. You say things others refuse to say, and after the jaws dropped, people scratch their heads and they say, ‘You know, he’s right.’” Nobody said, “He’s right” except for sycophants, like Lisa Benson and Gary Varvel.
Trump said everyone loves this plan, except Egypt and Jordan, which immediately denounced it and refused to participate in it. Saudi Arabia doesn’t like it either and had to debunk a Trump claim immediately after he said the kingdom was not in favor of a two-state solution. The Saudis refuse to officially recognize Israel without a two-state solution.
Republican Senator Thom Tillis said, “There's probably a couple of kinks in that slinky.” From my childhood experience, if you have one kink in your slinky, then you have a dead slinky. Most other Republicans in Congress cowardly played the “I haven’t read or seen his comments yet” card.
Trump said, “I do see a long-term ownership position” for the United States,” and “everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent.”
Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official, said, “What is needed is the end of the occupation and the aggression against our people, not expelling them from their land.”
When asked how many Palestinians he had in mind, Trump said, “All of them,” which is around two million. He also said, “I would think that they would be thrilled.” After being asked more than once if he would force them to go even if they did not want to, Trump said, “I don’t think they’re going to tell me no.”
Trump also wants other nations to pay for the cleansing so America and Israel can steal the land to build resorts and future bankrupt casinos. Trump is even willing to use the military, even though he says everyone will leave happily and it’ll bring peace.
Donald Trump isn’t a guy who learns, but it’s especially history he doesn’t learn from. We can’t repeat the ethnic cleansing and land thefts from our past. We have no business stealing land. We have no business expelling people.
Donald Trump looks at displacing Palestinians the same way he looked at evicting Black tenants from his properties.
I propose we expel Donald Trump from MAGA-Lardo, tear that shit down, and install a giant slip-n-slide. Or better yet, let’s expel him from the White House…again.
This plan will never happen and knowing that, critics of Trump claim it’s a distraction. If so, then Trump is using lives, war, and trauma to distract from his hostile takeover of the American government. Personally, I don’t think he’s smart enough to form a cohesive strategy to distract us and he’s as serious about taking Gaza as he is about stealing the Panama Canal and Greenland.
Trump is serious about this even though he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Drawn in 30 seconds:
Signed prints: Each signed print costs $40.00. Every cartoon at Claytoonz is available. Payment is accepted through PayPal, Venmo (clay-jones-87), or snail mail to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
Tales From The Trumpster Fire: Signed copies of my second book are $50 and available only through me. I currently have eight copies in my personal stash.
Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only eight copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00
Tip Jar: If you want to support the cartoonist, please donate through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com, Venmo to clay-jones-87, or snail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. All support is appreciated.
One Scaramucci in time, and Rep. Al Green (not the singer) has announced his intention to file impeachment over the Gaza nonsense. Of course, being a Democrat, it will come to nothing. But the honeymoon is over. Jeremy Raskin has raised the specter of Elon Musk, as a government employee, not disclosing his net worth as is required by law. If Musty takes the fifth, I believe he will eventually be Felon Musk. Otherwise, Sue, dude by law needs to be out of his DOGEbreath office.
Palestinians would be Trump's right kind of people if they had lots of money. I was gobsmacked when he said it was a "long-term ownership position" among other comments about clearing out Gaza and just sending people to Jordan and Egypt.
Going forward reporters need to hold Republican congress critter's feet to the fire and directly ask, non-stop about Musk's actions and Trump's ideas about Gaza. Ask the hard questions about why Trump isn't doing all these things legally through his bought and paid for Congress. If they lose their place in the White House press pool, so be it, they are doing no favors giving this coup cover.