Elon is a dangerous immigrant and should be deported immediately.

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Unfortunately in 2002 he became an American citizen.

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Great blog and my favorite line of yours is

" Elmo couldn’t contain his zeal for fascism and misinformation. "

If this blog doesn't chill your blood enough I highly recommend the podcast Jack, in particular the latest episodes where they are reading the Immunity Brief. We've all heard about the 2020 election but the brief lays the timeline out and how many people were involved and how many told him no but that didn't matter.

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Musk has gone the same route trodden by so many, following in the footsteps of Howard Hughes.

Sometimes it's drugs, sometimes it's the public adulation, sometimes it's both. Either of those will poison your brain. I wonder if there's really any difference between the dopamine release given by extreme flattery and the dopamine release given by drugs. Both seem to be addictive, and both will destroy you if taken in excess.

Musk has devolved into "young Caligula". It will be no surprise when he's reported for some kind of sex crime, the fallout from excessive praise and drugs nearly always winds up involving sex crimes at some point.

Sad to see another good man ruined by flattery and too much of everything.

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Damn truthful toon and blog.

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Two creeps that I couldn't dislike more... in one great cartoon. They both deserve flies around them since they both stink to high heaven!

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