The strangest one yet - ok, there's actually a lot of competition - is that the administration is dredging up an old law and interpreting it to mean that Native Americans are not actually US citizens and are therefore subject to deportation back, to, ummm, I'm really not sure.


But, I think I know the roots of this:


Basically, he's *still* butt hurt over not getting the rights to build a casino. So, he's getting revenge.

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I thought that this time those the rest of us consider indigenous voted for him. This week of horrors is just 4.5 days. He didn’t want a parade, I’m sure, not bc of the cold but to work faster on all the EOs with his Sharpie. I’m disgusted. Heartsick.

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holy shit

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Some toons just break my heart.

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Those are the names of friends, coworkers, customers and neighbors. I have no idea of their citizenship or immigration status. Most of them are good eggs, a few are stinkers but that's humanity for you.

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Add this to your list of horrors: MAGA Military. Read it all because imagine being a woman, immigrant, LGBTQIA person, Black, Brown, non-Christian… and dealing with encouragement by others to hate you and to ensure you’re not promoted.

I just gave again to MRFF to honor my dad’s life. He, a drafted, Jewish WWII European theatre vet, fought Nazis to serve our country. His birth and death anniversaries are this month.


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That's horrendous! OMG, I can't believe this is all happening and it hasn't even been a week yet. :'(

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I just told myself when I read about the ICE raids, this is just like nazi Germany. Now they are recruiting the brown shirts for their dirty work. The pardoned January 6th white supremacist traitors will be lining up for the job.

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I’m not sure what name you made up but they all seem like kids I’ve had in class over my 38 years in the classroom.

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And my friends.

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😢 Words fail me. 😢 Tears are plentiful, though. 😢

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damn angry

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"But if those “criminals” committed crimes here, then why is Trump helping them escape? Shouldn’t they charged, tried and if found guilty, incarcerated?"

ZING. Nicely played, Clay.

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