Donald Trump and Republicans have been framing undocumented immigrants as villains for years. Trump has called them “vermin” poisoning the “blood of our country,” or he was talking about his syphilis that turned his tiny penis green. Trump will point out a crime an immigrant has committed as though it’s a trend rather than an exception because most undocumented immigrants don’t commit crimes and those numbers are going down. When white nationalist terrorists attack our nation, they get pardons and they may be put on federal payrolls. But when an immigrant murders a young lady, Trump will say she was beautiful, as though it would have been acceptable if the immigrant had murdered an ugly person. What will Trump say if an undocumented immigrant murders a Trans climate activist?
Under President (sic) Trump, the deportations have begun. When asked about them this morning while in Ashville, North Carolina, Trump said, “Deportation is going very well. We're getting the bad, hard criminals out. These are people that have been as bad as you get, as bad as anybody you've seen. We're taking them out first.” And then he said, “I love my jackbooted thugs.” I think that’s what I heard.
Trump has not released further criminal information about those who were on the deportation flights. But if those “criminals” committed crimes here, then why is Trump helping them escape? Shouldn’t they charged, tried and if found guilty, incarcerated?
But these deportations are a large part of Trump’s hate agenda and they don’t help the country. If anything, they will hurt this nation. It will hurt the economy, especially the agricultural economy. Egg prices will not come down if you have to pay more for people who process the eggs. Let’s hope Trump doesn’t start deporting undocumented chickens. Plus, who’ll restock the toilet paper next to his gold toilet where he conducts his 2 a.m. poop tweets?
Republicans love this hate campaign. There’s current legislation in Mississippi to hire yee-haw fuckers to become bounty hunters. ICE is bad enough, but hiring morons to take it upon themselves to decide who in this nation is illegal is a horrible idea. This is not the first time decisions will be made in the Magnolia state by racism. Though I am looking forward to these “bounty hunters” getting the shit beaten out of them as they try to detain their suspects.
Among Trump’s executive orders to “crackdown” on “illegal” immigration is an order that violates the Constitution, erasing birthright citizenship. The United States Constitution says, CLEARLY, that if you are born in the nation, no matter to whom, you are a citizen. There’s not a right-wing lawyer in this nation capable of arguing that it doesn’t, so you can expect the Supreme Court to uphold Trump’s order on a 6-3 vote.
Newark mayor, Ras Baraka is claiming that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents are conducting raids and detaining undocumented as well as citizens without warrants. Maybe they were Mississippi yee-haw fuckers. Expect to hear more claims about this across the nation as more raids are conducted.
There are an estimated 11 million people in this nation, many who have been here for years, even decades, and have started families. These mass deportations will destroy families. But Trump and his goons believe that number is double, so even if they deport 11 million people, they’ll keep deporting. They will deport as many non-white people as they can.
MAGAts are posting memes on social media that provides information to report people you suspect to be in this nation illegally. They provide a phone number to report people for the crime of not being White. Many of these homemade posters also say you are required by law to report “suspected” illegal “aliens.” Nope, you are NOT required to report anyone you suspect, or even know to be an undocumented immigrant. It gets worse.
According to CBS News, signs are being posted in Omaha, Nebraska urging residents to report "any and all illegal aliens" to ICE. But how do you know who is and isn’t “legal?” Maybe you get a bad chalupa at Taco Bell and decide that employee needs to be deported to Guatemala.
These homemade signs say, "It is your civic duty to report any and all illegal aliens to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They have broken the law." Except it’s NOT your civic duty. If you are a compassionate person, it’s your CIVIC DUTY not to harass your people.
You won’t be breaking the law if you don’t report every Brown person you see, but you will be breaking the law if you impersonate a federal official. It’s illegal to pretend you’re an immigration official to gain access to someone else’s documentation.
Also, make homemade cookies. Don’t make homemade racist posters.
I have a passport and a birth certificate but I don’t trot around town with the documents in my pocket, which is now a privilege. But if you’re non-White, it may be demanded that you produce papers. Nobody’s going to ask me that question because of my White Privilege. And if you do deport me, send me to London or Dublin, please. I had great times in those cities. Please don’t send me to Reykjavik. It’s nice but I’ll never figure out that Krona shit.
The names in this cartoon started as common Latino names. I wanted the stupid readers (MAGAts) to understand it too. Then I decided to throw in a few common names from other races, and proofer Laura double-checked them to make sure I wasn’t making any up, though I may have with one. You will get 20 Trump Meme Coins if you figure it out and where it came from (Disclaimer: I lied and you will get nothing).
Some of the names belong to friends of mine, and one in particular is very important to me. I’m not telling you which one because I’m not going to help ICE, but her family was victimized by the stormtroopers this week.
People in this nation, just like Anne Frank did, are hiding from the fascist stormtroopers.
If you do want to call the ICE number to report “illegals,” it’s 1-866-FUK-MAGA.
You’re welcome.
Grok: Grok is X’s AI program that explains things to stupid people (MAGAts). Here, it explains my cartoon on Trump pardoning white nationalist J6 terrorists.
Grok really knows how to take the life out of a cartoon. It’s like the comment section on Daily Kos.
Drawn in 30 seconds:
Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon at Claytoonz is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can also take Venmo and my account there is clay-jones-87.
Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are currently eight copies and you can order yours signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only eight copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00
Tip Jar: If you want to support the cartoonist, please donate through PayPal to, Venmo to clay-jones-87, or snail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402
The strangest one yet - ok, there's actually a lot of competition - is that the administration is dredging up an old law and interpreting it to mean that Native Americans are not actually US citizens and are therefore subject to deportation back, to, ummm, I'm really not sure.
But, I think I know the roots of this:
Basically, he's *still* butt hurt over not getting the rights to build a casino. So, he's getting revenge.
Some toons just break my heart.