Glad you decided on a triptych. So religious.

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Thought provoking. And absolutely funny! Thank you.

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I thought it was funny, too! I guess we're all going to hell! LOL!

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My sides hurt from laughing from this toon. If there is a hell and I go there it's not because of this toon. Just the thought of all the goons and fucknuts that are going to get their panties tied up in knots over this makes my spirit bright.

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Well, The Bible says that Three WISE Men came to visit.

That explains why there are so many Atheists. 😉

😢😱🤬 No Post-Election

😢😱🤬 Signature, YET!

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You're very funny... and the world is pretty pathetic in too many instances.

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Thank you for the brown baby Jesus and for also making Mary and Joseph show some genetic diversity. If I'm going to hell for laughing at this toon, then I am having fun on my way there. Anyway the beauty of it all the bat-shit crazy right-wing dogma is this: I know God will forgive me for the sin of laughing because grown up Jesus said so. It's in the Bible (the King James version). 🙂

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Good one!

And yes, the Trumpists like the pervy creeper stuff.

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I guess I'm sacrilegious and going to hell, then, 'cause I laughed at the 'toon! Oh but wait ... I live in the U.S. where the most evil two men are about to share the presidency, so I'm already in hell anyway!

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Superb. It’s accurate and MAGAts don’t get it.

Great article from Brookings with the truth of immigrants. Posted earlier. Think I tagged you on fb.

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