In the debate, Kamala needs to put DonOLD on defense. Is he pro IVF? Is he pro 6 week ban? Yes or no. Yes or no. And get under his skin, laugh off his 4 year's old childish nicknames and taunting and then turn to the camera and ask "Do you really want four more years of this type of behavior from the President of the United States?"

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We liberals are far too timid - and yes, reactionary - to call out the Repugnants for what they are really standing for about women's healthcare. The plain truth is they are treating women like cows in an Animal Husbandry 4H curriculum. But even our left-ish female politicians are not saying this! WHY NOT? They need to get FAR more direct to force more attention to women's health issues. We must not just use the 'abortion' word in our arguments, because this passively allows Repugnants to frame the debate in their terms. We gotta get WAY out in front of the debate and show their policies for what they Really Are.

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They are, just not in the "balanced" media. In a forum where lie and true are treated exactly the same, and the king of click bait is their hero, there's no point in responding.

On youtube, on all sorts of social media, in ads run on channels frequented by women - oh yeah, they're roasting Trump alive.

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You should definitely draw more babies.

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Now I'm picturing a Chick-Fil-A cow holding a sign that says "Eat more babies". Because we all know that Chick-Fil-A will die on "Wrong-Side-Of-History" hill.

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And don't forget, the GOP are in favor of lots of babies but no support for a woman once she gives birth and has to care for the child. No, I'm not talking about any handout or entitlements - but when a woman gives birth and then is expected to get back to work in less than 6 weeks and is probably working two or three jobs earning the minimum wage, feeding herself and the new born along with the cost of diapers, clothing, medical care, housing, transportation, child care..... having a child is not easy or cheap. But hey, the convicted felon had a full-time nanny for his latest offspring and proudly proclaimed in August 2016 he had never, ever changes a diaper for any of his children. In fact, he stated he did not visit his latest offspring until the child was 2 months old - and then he fat-shamed the wife for not returning to her pre-baby weight.

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Ketchup on the ear pad

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Trump channeling his inner Oprah, priceless. Love the babies

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Trump exists to pander. More than that, he has to know that he's either going to be broke (in rich guy terms of course) or in jail if he doesn't win.

If he thought promising 2000$ checks every three months for his entire term would get him elected, he'd do it. Instantly. And damn all those "conservative" principles.

(Rich guy broke - why do you think both he and OJ moved to Florida? Florida lets you keep more than any other state if you get hit by an enormous legal judgement. I don't think he can claim ALL of Margarine@Lardass as a "residence", but FL courts have been known to be generous to crooks.)

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Terrific toon and blog..."poopy diaper" belongs to 45. I cannot block that scene in S1 of the White Lotus...

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