If this photo is of Vance at Yale, he wasn't a "college student." He was a law student -- older and typically more sedate. Now Yale isn't your average law school, and in the Clarence Thomas days the students ran a porn film festival (I'm not joking), but this would have been outside the usual run of hijinks.

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Exactly right. If you want to wear makeup the same way you would wear a ski-mask, fine. If you want to wear dresses and wigs, fine. Just don't go around vilifying other people's lifestyle or orientation while you do it!

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It's become apparent that this race has developed into those not afraid of people different from them versus those petrified of others.

Liberal and Progressive, the U.S. way

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He's a typical MAGA hypocrite. And he looks very comfortable in that get-up he's wearing. Makes me wonder if his 'toxic masculinity' is over compensating for anything. Not that there's anything wrong with that, as Jerry Seinfeld would say! ;)

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Outstanding toon and blog, definitely pointing out the reasons for outrage against trump/vance.

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Love it.

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