Orange C.H.U.D.


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Thank you. More people need to understand the C.H.U.D. reference so I can use it more often.

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Sep 2Liked by Clay Jones

Wait, that wasn't Butthead on the bandage? I definitely thought it was Butthead.

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They are just foul, foul, people! I can't imagine being raised with such little love and caring that it would cause someone to turn out that way. Part of me is sad for them - but a larger part of me is angry that they haven't got the balls to get some therapy and get themselves 'fixed' so that they don't keep hurting people. They are truly sick.

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While the behavior is disgusting, it bothers me not that they keep trading in this BS. When people are in the ballot booth, most will decide who they want leading the country based on character and decency.

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Trump couldn't be taking Adderall. A secondary effect of Adderall is that it diminishes appetite and we know Trump stuffs himself with Hamberders and Covfefe (among other junk) every day.

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The orange noodle convicted felon and JD hitler are such sick examples of what politics has become. I wonder what JD hitler and his “she's out of your league" wife talk about these days. Not much I'm certain if she as intelligent and wonderful as he claims her to be. No - wait - she clerked for Brett three-points, cryin’ beer can Brett Kavanaugh - so scratch that. Although I do wonder what both of them will tell their daughter when she grows up and has to deal with what daddy JD hitler said about women.

I saw some of the screenshots of what the C.H.U.D. posted to "Truth Social" lies and it is sickening. I wish everyone could see them. At the rick of being laughed at, I'm so desperate for good, clean and nice stuff, I have started watching the Hallmark Channel because people are just nice in those shows. Even the mean people get their comeuppance!

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