Aug 5Liked by Clay Jones

Loved it all!

Is the animal behind the rock (between gopher & squirrel and penguin & gull) another one of Kristi Noem's pets?

Thug with a blackjack behind the tree?

Curious minds wanna know.

PS - I'm definitely not an expert but surely eating roadkill, thrown into the back of a van and driven around for several hours and then EATEN, is a potential source of brain worms???

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Aug 5Liked by Clay Jones

Thanks for explaining the cartoon. I would not have gotten the references.

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RFK, Jr. makes me sick. He cannot truly be a Kennedy ... must've been the spawn of the postman or the milkman!

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by Clay Jones

OMG, this is all just too funny and they are SO weird!! How do these jokers get through life?? And how does Cheryl Hines - who always has seemed relatively normal - stay married to RFK, Jr?? Eww! Man, I'd be awake all night questioning my choices in life. These guys make my exes look great! LOL!

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Aug 5Liked by Clay Jones

That was beyond hilarious

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Aug 6Liked by Clay Jones

Well, that RFKJ story is probably the weirdest thing I’ll read all week. It’s horrifyingly weird. But it’s just now Tuesday, so there’s plenty of time for him, T, or JD to do something even weirder than trying to stage a bear cub’s bike riding accident. And this was only 10 years ago?? When he was 60 years old? My gosh, there is not a word that has been coined yet that accurately describes the level of weirdness involved in that decision. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Yeah, the weirdest thing you'll read all week but then again, it's only Monday.

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Aug 6Liked by Clay Jones

This is like a seek and find.

I can't find Pizza Rat.

He has to be in Central Park

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He's in Central Park...and the cartoon.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Clay Jones

My bad. I had to get on my computer and enlarge the picture to see him. To quote Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein "Damn these Eyes"

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No worries. The idea is to make people hunt.

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Aug 6Liked by Clay Jones

I always look at Clay's cartoons on my laptop so I can enlarge the picture and see all the details - sippy cups, fish bowl signs, and where's pizza rat. Pizza rat is kind of Clay's where's Waldo to me.

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Pizza Rat is kind of an accident. I never intended for it to become a thing. Sometimes he's not hidden at all. Pizza Rat is popular.

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Aug 5Liked by Clay Jones

Well, I found this especially relevant as I just finished a book all about roadkill called Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of our Planet by Ben Goldfarb. Hard to believe, but it was actually very interesting and I found that people actually do like fresh roadkill - there are even roadkill cookbooks! Who knew? Thanks for a very funny cartoon - I love the details!

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The trend started in the 1980s with a Field Guide to Roadkill.

I feel kind of triggered by all this use of weirdo as a pejorative. My childhood hero was Maynard G. Krebs and I have been proud of being called one for more than 65 years. Now they are taking weirdo away. Sad. Gay used to mean happy or exuding happiness. I had several friends named Gay (and one named Happy, who died last month. Sad.) I can only imagine that today people don't use that as a moniker anymore.

I'm not certain that being a conspiracy theorist makes one a weirdo. Belief in conspiracies suggests fear of complexity. Even the most convoluted conspiracies simplify the world and it's "a tangled bank" (last paragraph of Charles Darwin: Origin of the Species.) People, who are generally not as bright as Darwin, have difficulties dealing with complexity. So they invent "explanatory" simplifications, i.e. conspiracies. Kennedy (RFK Jr, NOT JFK, Jr) is possessed of several of the most sinister and damaging ones. Agent Orange is their apotheosis. Vance is a brainwashed acolyte and adds nothing to the mix, except an aura of "intellectual" respectability.

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Aug 6Liked by Clay Jones

More pushin' for your cushions! This one goes to 11! :)

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I forgot about that and reading you comment made me laugh.

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Aug 6Liked by Clay Jones

Funniest toon and blog...i do not remember the bear in Central Park, and I am older than Clay, so I thoroughly enjoyed this blog!!!! History and education!

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It made national news and I don't remember it either. It was probably one of those that lasted half a day. Funny enough, the reporter who broke the story was Jr's niece.

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(By the way, for those scoring at home, on GoComics I was (and am, for non-political toons) your humble Godfreydaniel.)

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RFK Jr. has admitted past heroin use (which couldn't possibly have done his brain or his worm any good.....), Traitor Trump's tiny little brain might or might not be being eaten away by syphilis, and Vance probably wishes his kid would've told him to shut up when he was comparing Trump to Hitler, because that came back to bite him harder than a dead bear.

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And talking of weird republicans, here is a scary thought.... In the unlikely event the convicted felon is elected and, since he is very old, the JD hitler may have to take over. Think about this - an unelected individual becoming president - only one person voted for JD hitler and that was the convicted felon when he chose him as his running mate (give me some latitude here - I can hear the arguments against my logic) - but seriously.... I think we should have a separate election for the VeeP because JD hitler is a non-starter for me. Okay - vote for Kamala Harris now is a must! Of course, my logic now applies to Kamala Harris’ pick - but that person is not weird or bat-sh*t crazy by any means.

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Sorry if I have to push back on this but vice presidents are elected if they're on the ballot. If JD will be an unelected vice president, then according to your logic, Kamala Harris is unelected right now.

I also think the idea of vice presidential candidates running separately is not a good idea although it's a mostly powerless position. But can you imagine the vice president going against the president with a tie-breaking vote in the senate?

By the way, for political junkies: We've only had one unelected president.

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LOL I agree what you said that was why I said give me some latitude :) in my weird logic. It is just that JD hitler scares the begeebees out of me as does the convicted felon. And thank you :-/ for the rabbit hole you sent me on about the unelected president - that is an interesting piece of history. And yes, the tie-breaker power is scary - voters often don't realize or understand the detail that trips up people (in anything). Thank you for great cartoons and the thought provoking narratives.

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John Oliver did his entire August 4th show, Last Week Tonight, on Kennedy and it is frightening. His followers like him because he is "honest" but in reality he comes close to DT when it comes to lying.

I highly recommend watching if you can.

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