Aug 12Liked by Clay Jones

Banning books is futile, particularly from older children with access to the internet. 🙄

It's better to educate them about the world as it is and how to negotiate it. The person who submitted the list needs to get a life

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Aug 14Liked by Clay Jones

I'd bet that at least half the books they are banning are on the free libraries lists.

And sadly, some people's lives are not complete unless they are butting into the neighbor's business. And that is why I always tell realtors, "Do not show me any house under an HOA".

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Aug 12Liked by Clay Jones


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Aug 12Liked by Clay Jones

This is just crap! 18 books?? And they don't even have kids in the school? I hate book banning - if you don't want your kid to read a certain book, then don't let them read it, but don't prevent other kids from reading books that their parents are OK with. :(

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Your TALES book should be in EVERY LIBRARY.

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Aug 13Liked by Clay Jones

I am really in sorrow about your country. The election procees seems vulnarable for people with bad minds.


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Aug 12Liked by Clay Jones

I'm sorry, but why the f'k is there a middle school named after King George?

Is there a Jefferson Davis Middle School?

Is there a Kaiser Wilhelm Middle School?

Is there a Hirohito Middle School?

Is there an Adolph Hitler Middle School?

Is there a Saddam Hussein Middle School?

Is there an Osama Bin Laden Middle School?

If your answer is "Because the county is named after King Gorge", then my questions are the same, just replace "middle school" with "county".

Call me crazy, but I don't think we should name counties and schools after people we fought wars against.

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He's NOT the King George we fought against. He died in 1727. We fought against his grandson, George III. And no, I'm not really that smart...your question made me look it up.

My little city of Fredericksburg has several streets named royalty from when the city was founded, like George, Caroline, Anne, Sophia, etc.

By the way, we do have a Kaiser Wilhelm Middle School and a Hirohito dog park.

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Aug 12Liked by Clay Jones

Thanks for the info. It still seems odd to me. I guess I'm a tad sensitive these days about the potential subtext of naming counties after royalty. Are they trying to say they would rather have a monarchy than a Democracy? It makes sense that the names might be from before 1776 in some parts of the country. I just figured stuff like that would have been changed at some point. Honestly, some years ago, I probably wouldn't have minded, but now that there seems to be a domestic movement to install a regent, I'm feeling kind of touchy about it.

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Aug 12Liked by Clay Jones

Also, I fully expect, however wrong I might think it is, that there is probably at least one school in America still named after Jefferson Davis.

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I'm sure there are several still named after Jefferson Davis.

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There is plenty of stuff that pisses me off these days, but almost everything takes a backseat to book bans. This one is especially maddening, because this “concerned citizen” doesn’t even have kids in that school. Maybe that person should pick up one of the books she wants banned; she might learn something or be entertained. She might even discover there is a better use of her time.

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