Aug 4Liked by Clay Jones

I really, really hate people sometimes for all of the cruelty they can muster up. It seems it doesn't take them much to 'muster' it, actually. Thanks for this great cartoon and commentary - as usual, Clay, you get to the heart of things! I love the sippy cup words today, altho it gave me quite a coughing fit as I lay here trying to recover from a miserable bout of COVID.

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Awwww, get well soon. COVID sucks!

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Aug 4Liked by Clay Jones

Thank you, Clay! I still can't figure out how I got it. I never go anywhere, haven't been anyplace except my mailbox and a drive-thru coffee place (once) in the last 3 weeks. I have no life! I blame it on my cat, who travels around the neighborhood visiting everyone. She must have brought it home and given it to me. It's a nasty thing to have. It's been a week and the fever is gone, but everything else is about the same, despite the Paxlovid I took. :( Damn cat. Stay safe everyone!

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See what happens to childless cat ladies? Note: I don't know if you're actually childless but I can't waste a semi-good joke.

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Sorta childless - my 'kid' is almost 47, lives in another town and I hardly ever see him. I feel childless! LOL!

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Aug 4Liked by Clay Jones

J. K. Rowling?

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Thank you and it's corrected. Hey, when you guys send me a correction, you really have to be specific because I had forgotten what I did and I HATE having to re-read my blog for a 10th time. I'm usually not going to know what you're talking about even though it's my mistake.

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Ha, fair enough, I can relate

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Aug 4Liked by Clay Jones

I am so glad there are no trolls here! (Or are there?)

This would have generated pages of BS on GoComics,

May Fern rest in hell.

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Subscribing is free so don't hold your breath.

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If there are no comments it doesn't matter. Also only subscribers can comment. In any case I am not renewing.

You rock!

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Aug 4Liked by Clay Jones

Thank you for this cartoon and your blog, Clay. What happened was cruel and I’m glad you’ve brought attention to it.

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Aug 4Liked by Clay Jones

Trump insulted the boxer again today. I am blocking people on Facebook because they are just sharing lies.

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Great Cartoon, Clay! I love it! One great advantage of seeing your cartoons here is that everyone now gets to see your ever-clever (like that new word I just made up?) titles. I always thought it was a shame that the readers on Go Comics never got to see them. They are as funny as the art work! Well done!

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My head hurts reading about all this stupidity and hitting my head on Boebert raising money for an Italian boxer who lost a preliminary bout.

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Great cartoon, Clay. Oh... I just remembered. Isn't Trump a rapist?

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Yes, that's his reelection slogan: "Make Me America's Rapist Again!"

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I have a mustache, in fact a better mustache than my brother ever did. I get called sir on a regular basis. I've been followed into the women's restroom on lots of occasions. Repiglicons, leave this poor woman the fuck alone.

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So the MAGAts have proven they don't know or care what a woman is, they just want outrage. And to keep on kissing some Trump/Putin rear.

Why? Who knows? The adulation of Trump is just one of those mysteries we'll never solve.

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Trump is protecting girls and women? Is that cruel joke? Someone should be protecting girls and women from Donald Trump assaulting them, raping them, grabbing their crotches because he thinks it is his right as a rich a-----e, or sneaking into beauty pageant dressing rooms to drool over young women changing their clothes.

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The RICO (Republican In Claim Only) Party is led by a whiny, grumpy old man and his main talent is complaining and whining and throwing ketchup bottles on the wall that "things" are the way "they" used to be....

May the Rs on a national, state and local level have their political heads handed to them so that they may WAKE UP from this cult based upon a false prophet, who knows little of the bible, is on his THIRD wife (regrets to Mike Johnson having to walk with his neck twisted 180), makes fun of the handicapped and disabled, demeans and defames the armed forces, convicted of rape, convicted of 34 felonies and lined up for almost 100 more (assuming he's not elected POTUS and grants himself immunity like his friends on POTUS recommend).

I enjoyed (painful to watch, but the result is a positive) to watch his self immolation on the NABJ stage when his patience was thin, the crowd was not the MAGA, QAnon, Proud Boy sycophants and there was a target rich environment of people for him to blame and attack.

Now everyone who understand the assignment...please register (yourself and become a voter registrar in your state), educate, support and VOTE!!!

Like the life of our country depends upon it.

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