Tucker Carlson is the JD Vance of Rush Limbaughs.

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That's good, Chris.

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Good one! I love the Russian hats - cracked me up.

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Great cartoon - love all the Easter eggs in it, too! :)

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Great 'toon, Clay. But poor Pizza Rat ... no pizza, only borscht ... yuck!

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Tucker the Fucker. Excellent toon and blog.

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I think Tucker should join the wave of right-wingers moving to Russia because it's "so awesome".

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Video is so much better without all the flashing! I liked the little zoom at the end. The audio is better, too. Sorry, I'm just catching up on the last few toons after an extremely busy weekend.

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Yeah, I'm glad that flashing is gone. Thanks for your thoughts on it.

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I see the Secret Service is preparing to use bullet-proof glass around FEARLESS LEADER TRUMP

I hope they can make it soundproof.

Wouldn't it be cool if it had a top and a lockable door, and someone lost the key?

I'd pay to see that.

They could just put trump in a glass coffin, like the one Lenin has.

Then roll him around and stand him up where you need him.

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My dog is more of an actual journalist than Tucker Carlson. Carlson's relationship to journalism is about that of Father Coughlin's relationship to journalism.

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