Aug 14Liked by Clay Jones

Great cartoon and blog today, Clay! I couldn't bring myself to watch the interview since I'm still sick (3rd week) with COVID and didn't want to add vomiting to the mix of symptoms. I can't stand looking at either of those two creeps. I'm glad that Willie Brown and Nate Holden have a sense of humor at least.

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Get well soon, Mary.

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Thank you, Clay - I'm trying! I thought it was coming to an end last week, then the cough and congestion flared up again and knocked me right back down. I'm really sick of it. At least I'm retired and not missing work or anything. I can sleep when I want to, watch bad TV, and play on the computer when my eyes aren't burning with fatigue. I feel just well enough to be bored but not well enough to do anything productive! LOL!

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Aug 13Liked by Clay Jones

Lot's of good Easter eggs in this one!

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I didn't think the Convicted Felon could get any more scatterbrained.

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Aug 13Liked by Clay Jones

84 days and counting! How many times can Trumpy reveal his real self to the American public? It's painful and yet gratifying to watch.

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Aug 14Liked by Clay Jones

At least Pizza Rat has plenty of pizza!

Trump doesn't know how to campaign against a woman who's perfectly willing to go on the attack against him. He's aghast that younger Democrats have learned that no MAGA is ever, ever, ever going to "reach across the aisle" with anything but a knife, so there's no point at all to pretending to be Mr. Nice Guy. That was Hillary's biggest mistake, instead of doubling down on "deplorable" she started apologizing, which made her appear weak. Trump loves weak, as bullies always do.

Hillary should have said "deplorable, disgusting, and horrible, I don't even want you rejects from a bad Nazi movie voting for me". She might still have lost, but she'd have scared Trump into fits.

You CANNOT approach a bully while appearing weak, unless you want them to beat on you. She made that mistake, and paid for it. We all paid for it.

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Aug 14Liked by Clay Jones

Ok, this is a first. I have never laughed until tears ran down my cheeks at a toon. Each train car funnier than the last 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying 😂😂😂 somebody save Pizza Rat 😍👍

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Huge compliment. Thank you.

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Aug 14Liked by Clay Jones

By "going down" In the helicopter, I believe he was referring to performing fellatio on a fellow passenger

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Aug 14Liked by Clay Jones

Wow...what a BS session...thanks for this terrific toon and blog Clay!

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Aug 14Liked by Clay Jones

WOW! Awesome toon and educational blog. Perfection!

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Totally off point: Thailand's highest court removed its prime minister (3rd such removal in 16 years) for ethical violations of their constitution. Amazing how some nations actually uphold democracy and their laws.

Kamala: means lotus flower in India, symbolizing wisdom

Practice liberalism and progressivism, keep up these U.S. traditions.

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Spanky Orangebarf claims to have gotten a black politician white faced. I got a brigadier general white faced in a helicopter. Well, national guard brigadier general. And it was shooting newsfilm, when I asked the pilot if the Huey was in good enough maintenance to tilt 30 degrees for a clear shot of the exercise. Saw the camera case start sliding to the gunners door, so I stomped on it while shooting.

My story’s better, and it happened, and I have a plaque to prove it.

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So many LOL elements in this toon! Love the expression on the train's face, oh eek in the JD car (poor dolphin...) and then the bandit hanging onto the roof! 🤣 Just awesome from this fan of Wild Wild West! God help us all with megalomaniac Dr evil boy and his billion-dollar megaphone...

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