Spot on. Except that the Cowboys will win. 🫢🏼🌟

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Who will win?

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oh, damn. I did not see that coming.

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As an anti-Cowboys fan, I enjoyed that game immensely!

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I couldn't care less about football but you do excellent work and are entitled to watch your football game. Keep up the good work trying to show people what trash the GOP has become under Trump.

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He is such moron thst he probably thinks Haiti is a city in Venexuela.

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It's still shocking to me that they keep doubling and tripling down and either don't realize how stupid they sound (and are) or just don't care. And clearly don't care how much damage they cause to people, places and things. They are a disgusting bunch of muthafuckas, as our dear soon-to-be-leader Kamala would say. I wish the MadMangoMan would deport himself to Venezuela, post-haste, along with JustaDick.

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Didn't he talk about going to Venezuela a few weeks ago? I suspect most of the country, including Rs who are supposedly for him hope he does so.

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Yes, Eva, he did say that! Odd, since he complains about the horrible people from Venezuela that come here! He's such an idiot...

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I watched the JD cat-eating liar and if I understand what he said, he does not believe in fact-checking and believes lying as a way to get noticed is totally acceptable. Mind you politicians do this all the time, so this is nothing new but what is new is this the second politician to use lies to incite violence - the orange convicted felon and now the JD cat-eating liar. Both dong this in an effort to gain a foothold to the US presidency. There are so many other bad things - curry Loomer, the gross old man rapy-type Xowner, SCOTUS which has just had an β€œoh-WTF” moment when they realized presidential immunity to the orange convicted felon was not supposed to extend to a democrat, to name a few. Read up about the 1954 β€œOperation WetBack” the orange convicted felon is using as a blue print for his mass deportations. An eye-opener of what a president is capable of when racism and jobs become an issue. Want a taste of what the orange convicted felon is planning? Start here - https://www.history.com/news/operation-wetback-eisenhower-1954-deportation - and the β€œjobs” these people were stealing? No American wanted to toil in the fields, perform the tasks of cleaning toilets, washing dishes etc. Backfired enormously because when an American did apply for the work there is no way they were going to work for thirty-cent-an-hour guaranteed wage (about $4.51 in modern dollars)!!!

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Well, your prediction really came true. The Saints opened up a can of 'WHIP ASS' on the Cowbums today. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jerry Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Have a good time and hope it is a good game no matter who wins

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Several RW cartoonists on GoComics are doubling down on the Springfield garbage. And they're not being subtle or remotely funny - flat out-and-out racist garbage and easily provable lies. They're not even trying to be truthful. Thank you.

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