I want to hear more about the weirdo in the Alabama shirt. I also wonder what it's going to take for one of these damned charges to stick to the teflon Don. Apparently nobody cares if he is a convicted rapist (sorry, it's sexual assault, though I still don't understand the legal difference there) because he's still eligible for the presidency even with that conviction, apparently? But can one of these indictments please send this dude to jail? What would even happen if, heaven forfend, he won the election and he was convicted for this one? I guess he would already have declared himself dictator for life, immune to any charges of any sort from anybody, and I would have been sent off to some death camp for having made this comment and others like it on the Internet.

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I agree, Celeste - I'm curious about the weirdo, too. Hope our Clay is safe! I think the difference between the sexual assault and rape charge was because it happened so long ago that it was too late to charge him with rape, but I could be mistaken. My memory isn't the best. As for the fear of the death camps, I figure if I end up in one at some point because of him, at least I'll be with people I know in person or from Substack! LOL!

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Clay, your drawing of Justa Dick Vance is the best of all the cartoonist renditions!

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A little hint of the future for Vance...great toon and blog. Update on the weirdo requested.

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