I also hate that I can't call myself weird anymore. Next they will take over "geek" and "dork".

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Fantastic toon and blog. Icky gross slimy weirdos

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"Keep Austin Weird" doesn't play nicely with Trump & Vance weirdness.

T&V are extremely rich white male guys trying to convince the bubbas of the world that they know how to restore "things" to the good ole days when men were men, and women were subservient and proud of it, at least where they lived.

MAGA - Make America Great Again...and when Jordan Klepper asks them when it was great the answers were 1913, when it was founded (Roy Wood asks Except for the slavery stuff?, etc)

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I decided my brain is just wired differently.

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I'm right there with you Clay. They're sullying the concept behind my adopted motto. In the words of the good Dr. Thompson: "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

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