All completely true and accurate. That makes me very sad.

People just were taken. There was a study in the Washington Post in the run-up to the election that asked people what they felt about lots of policies, like health care and so on. The name of the candidate who offered up the policies was not identified. People were very much in favor of Harris's policies, as long as they didn't know she was the one who offered them.

What's that tell you?

Lemmings, the lot of them. Except, I've read that lemmings don't really do that race to the cliff. Voters do, though. Hey! That could be a cartoon! A crowd of lemmings sitting on the roadside watching voters run off a cliff to their death, with the lemmings just shaking their heads.

Edward Bernays would be quite amazed at what his work has turned into.

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Thanks for the part about the policies. Boo on the cartoon ideas. Lemmings and cliffs are such a huge cliche. This is why I don't use other people's ideas.

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Oh fa God's sake, SAY IT.

That 8% of "moderates" that decide every remotely close election WILL NOT VOTE FOR A WOMAN!

Just accept that and move on. That's why Harris lost. You don't need to dig a well, the reason is as shallow as Trump.

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This is also why I am not a cartoonist...

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I saw that article in the WP. Just proves that a lot (and I mean A LOT) of voters are ignorant and ill-informed. Or they just like the buffoon who yells the loudest and spews hatred about the dreaded “others.” They’re laughing now, but I don’t think it will last.

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I saw another interesting analysis.

When Trump left office, the COVID pandemic was raging away. But, lots of government support had been given out to various people and groups. In addition to making life a little easier from COVID problems, it also generally raised the standard of living for a lot of people. It gave them just a little more security and maybe the chance to reorient their life direction some, like changing careers. Overall, a good thing.

But, four years down the road, those programs had pretty much expired. Life was not so stable then. Guess who was in charge then? Yep - Democrats. Who you gonna blame for the decline in life? Yep - Democrats.

I'm not sure that people really get what things are likely to be like during a second go around with Trump and the MAGA group in charge.

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The Rs were the ones who stopped the checks. Biden wanted to keep them.

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But I still luvs ya.

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Lemmings a good word choice

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Reminds me of the Muslim population in MI who wouldn't vote for Kamala because she had no plan for Gaza. I just checked, Trump has spoken 3 times to Netanyahu since the election and I don't think it was about Israel improving relations with Palestine.

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Great work on this. I’m still trying to figure out WTF is wrong with people. The world may never know…

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Great blog Clay. Vallejo is an ignorant fool who doesn't have any idea what the root causes of inflation are let alone who set the conditions for it to happen. He wants to blame covid but he seems to forget who fumbled the ball and allowed it to spread unchecked in the United States. As for his claim that he and others who voted for Trump are not racists he's proudly wearing his ignorance by not understanding that if you vote for a racist you are a racist.

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Depressing. Legal residents and actual citizens are going to get picked up and hassled. Passports are valuable. People shouldn't have to carry them all the time.

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I’m waiting for some feedback from the democrats, where are they? I guess they think making YouTube shorts works…they have blame for their party’s defeat. Harris was too little too late, in my opinion. As far as people of color not voting or voting for Trump, it’s mindboggling. All of this is not a joking matter.

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Brilliant toon and blog but very depressing/sad.

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Yes. Everything about this toon and blog is soooooo damn obvious.

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