JD Vance is the Donald Trump Jr. of veep candidates.

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Third paragraph needs an edit, switch Tim for JD.

I like reading your blog for the interesting facts and opinions and jokes.

Don't believe the current members of the RICO (Republican In Claim Only) party really care that much about facts and their "leaders" only care about generating emotion and likes.

So...what is everyone doing to help elect an appropriate candidate for POTUS? Are you helping to register people? Getting the vote out? Supporting your candidate in other ways?

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Thanks guys. Please message or email me about mistakes instead of posting them in the comments. I'm trying to keep it a secret that I'm a moron. Thank you.

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Where's your email or message address?

No, I think you're normal AND that you are extremely brilliant at identifying humorous topics topped with a fantastic artistic ability to succinctly the messages you are communicating. Do you stumble, ah good, not a god.

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Fact #1: the Minnesota National Guard says Governor Walz put in his paperwork for retirement prior to his unit being told they were going to Iraq; he did not avoid going overseas.

Fact#2: the Minnesota National Guard says that Governor Walz retired as a Command Sergeant Major.

Slams on his military service are of a piece with the Mango Mussolini's attacks on Capitol police for their work on January 6, 2021 when he tried to overturn a legal U.S. election.

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Walz retired before the training that would have glued the CSM onto his file, so his pension is E8 instead of E9. He retired with the rank, but not the pay.

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That is, sadly, more common than actually getting the increased pay on retirement.

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"Swiftboating" is and has been the go to for Republicans ever since they paid some liars to lie about John Kerry, and it worked.

Since then, Democrats have learned that to fight a gutter fighter, you have to get in there and fight back. Well, most Democrats. There's still a few who fill up the NYT and WP editorial pages with "it's so sad that Democrats are fighting back, they should just lose with dignity" but it's a very few.

Most of us want to fight. And the guys like Biden, who keep pretending there's "middle ground" are being pushed out. WHAT "middle ground"? The far right wants to ban all abortions, and will accept nothing else. The far right wants to strip citizenship from millions, and kick them out of the country. The far right wants to blow the entire budget on border walls! What "middle ground" is there that hasn't been worked over and rejected 1000 times already?

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Walz was a master sargeant, not a command sergeant major. He never fulfilled the reqirements to become a command sargeant major. He had the rank of master sargeant the day he retired. His claims of being a command sergeant major is stolen valor.

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You might not, but I DO question JDs "service" (or, at least, his motivation for enlistment.) I doubt that it was an honorable enlistment. I think it was the only option for a loser kid from Appalachia to get out.

I received a low lottery number (14) in the second lottery. I was distraught, not for my safety but for my opposition to the Vietnam adventure. I saw no reason not to fake a medical condition (psychiatric) to get a 4F. Perhaps it wasn't fake, but I got my deferment (1Y.) Anyone who willingly went to that war after 1968 was, indeed, a loser. I like to think I would have done as David Harris did and gone to prison rather than participate in that war. Perhaps not. But Vietnam and what the US did there are still a blot on the national soul.

Listening to Robben Ford.

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If you're going to declaim all that have enlisted for lack of other opportunities as "questionable", then you're questioning the vast majority of enlisted. Which is rather ridiculous, IMHO.

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I agree. People who enlisted to get out of their current situation, like poverty, seems legitimate to me. I don't begrude ayone for that. Of course, JD Vance is still a POS but I don't take issue with how he enlisted.

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That the option exists for a sector of society that sees the military as the ONLY option is heartbreaking. I don't begrudge their service to their country, I begrudge a system that relies on poverty to recruit for the military.

I would say that an honorable enlistment is one comes from a desire to serve the community - not to enact jingoistic foreign policy, nor to be a xenophobe, nor a tool of the State. Or only insofar as the State represents the community's interests. In any case, I doubt that Vance has interests beyond himself. Maybe when he was young and naive and innocent his motives might have been acceptable (to me, obviously.) Perhaps the Marines changed him, maybe Yale, or Peter Thiel, but the guy has no empathy, did about as safe a job as could be found in the Marines and yes, I doubt his motives for enlisting.

Consider the cost of maintaining a military-industrial complex, both social and economic. And a society comfortable with maintaining a mercenary army drawn from the poor and the poorly educated.

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I'm surprised that J.D. "Klinger" Vance didn't receive a section 8 for wearing all those women's clothes.

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Damn perfect toon and blog. Makes me crazy just thinking about these idiots.

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Great blog! But you said JD Vance instead of Walz…oops. Just editing…😎

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Please specify Walz. You write Vance was never asked to go to Iraq but immediately follow with he served 24 years.

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