Looking forward to the next installment.

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Friend of mine plays in a band with two Black Trumpers. He tells me they only want to talk about conspiracies. NASA is a fake, moon landings were fake, the earth is flat - seriously, that kind of stuff.

I remember a guy on gocomics was going nuts about something and said he'd never vote for a Democrat. I told him I didn't want him to vote for Democrats at all, because that would let the crazy influence into the party, and I wanted to be in a sane party. He didn't like that.

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Electrical plug is smiling.

You have to get rid of that magnet.

Nice blog, funny, even the weirdos added to it.

Good Luck tonight, Clay

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DANG I WISH I WAS THERE..... but little me would be stuffed in a trash can by now. So fun reading your blog. Stay safe and have fun.... I too am looking forward to Day 3 post.

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I love your cartoons and commentary on Cartoon Movement. I have been sharing them with others. Among my favorites. Thank you!

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MY CARTOONS???????? If so WOW THANKS ... if kind words are for Clay... you have good taste!!!!

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Yes, Deb, I mean YOUR cartoons. I saw a couple of good ones this morning. I love how you do your comparisons - so easy to follow and gets the point across very well. And, I also enjoy your commentary. You rock, girl!

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OH THANKS SO MUCH !!!!!! I really appreciate it. We too often forget the differences.. and it is important.

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Sometimes I wish I could get out more so that would have a more interesting life, then I read things like this and I'm really glad I'm a homebody! My god, there are a lot of nuts out there that seem to have lost their tree! I'm glad you had a better day, though, and got to see some good speeches despite the weirdness on the streets. I actually stayed awake long enough to watch the whole roll call and all the speeches through the Obamas and enjoyed it all. It felt like a great night of hopeful, positive, TV watching! Thanks for the 'toon, photos and blog today. Did you hear Worm Brain canceled his campaign? I think all his weird little stories finally caught up with him and his supporters decided he was too screwy to support. Who woulda guessed?? ;)

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I'm also a Gemini that is not a republican -- what an insult!

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LOL! Excellent and entertaining toon and blog!

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Clay, Clay, Clay, you left out the most important info. Which deep dish did you go with? Originally from Chicago, inquiring minds want to know.

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