Great stuff today, Clay. It really irks me to no end that he's a felon with no punishment. My brother has 2 felony convictions that, while bad, are nothing on the level of what the Orange Ass has done and he spent a helluva lot of time in jail and rehab for his crimes. (thank god it worked and he's been great since 1998). But to have a 34-count felon as our new president is just an atrocious thing. I'm disgusted. :(

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Perhaps we can start an Anti-emetic Party. Disgust and vomiting go together and this Mango Mussolini makes me want to do that. At the same time, I am infinitely amused by those who feign surprise at corruption. Claude Rains was "shocked, shocked" as he pocketed his winnings at Ricks. Sidney Greenstreet bought it and expanded his business, The Blue Parrot and grifted the sales of black market smokes from one shell to another. I never before thought that Casablanca was prescient. I never thought it could happen again. Sinclair Lewis' novel, It Can't Happen Here, was also prescient, just off by 90 years. He also wrote "Elmer Gantry." He won the Nobel Prize for Literature. If Agent Orange were literate, I'd think he had read them, had watched black and white movies, but taken the wrong lessons.

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Florida man is an orange ass and convicted Felon.

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First Felon is the perfect name for him from now on.

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Maybe that should be Herr Felon since he thinks of himself as an authoritarian leader.

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For the rest of his miserable life, and beyond, whenever his name is written, a version of this notation will be included: “…the first convicted felon to serve as president.” Until today, I had to live with the knowledge that “former US president” would forever be associated with his name, so adding “first convicted felon to serve as president” abates my disgust somewhat. But nothing will ever ease the disgust of knowing that roughly half of 2016 and 2024 voters, after observing him and hearing him try to speak said, “Yep. That’s my guy.”

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His new title from now till January 20 should be Convicted President-Elect Felon Trump to accurately reflect the historical sequence of titles and to prepare / remind folks about what was elected when they either chose him or chose not to show up and vote. January 20. 2025 and thereafter he should be referred to in the media as FCFPOTUS (First Convicted Felon President...) to conserve print and byte space. No need to add his surname because he has achieved the infamy he sought. He wanted to be gangsta. He's now officially gangsta. I hope he's inviting all the thugs from his campaign trail to his inauguration parties. If I were one of them and didn't get an invite to any of the Trump events after spending $$$ on merch, I would be highly incensed and want organize a protest party (Lafayette Park?) on Inauguration Night to express my very hurt feelings. 😁

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First Felon toon is perfect, as is the blog on how to explain this to your cousin trumpet.

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Also, to the increasingly difficult ignorance of facts, allegedly Christian MAGAts do not recognize the Orange Stain is a spitting description of the antichrist…

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Hadn't thought of it that way but you are definitely correct.

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Florida man is a Felon

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All optimistically drawn & written. Thank you. We will refer to him as a felon and to he will continue to turn the narrative to the politicized and corrupt Democratic Party and his victimization. He’s proposing that any undocumented workers arrested for any crime, no matter how minor, can, without trial, be deported. Pam Bondi will ensure it. I dread each day.

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It's going to be a four-year nightmare that will go down in our history books people years from now will wonder what was going on in this time that people elected this POS not once but twice.

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