When people blame Biden for increased prices I think, when did he become CEO of all those companies???

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I have often wondered the same thing. The President of the country is not running all these corporations and has nothing to do with what they charge. But a big help was Biden using the anti-trust laws to stop the mergers. This is what needs to happen so we still have competition and no more companies to large to be making all the decisions for everyone. Stop the merger between Kroger and Albertson's for just that reason.

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Trump. Isn't that the rape guy?

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Excellent toon and blog.

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Hmm, Ramirez. I used to follow him. Used. To. That is partially why.

What the Congress, and The Felon, didn't do, 'cuz rich assholes, was a windfall tax hike. Biden should have, but I doubt they could even bring it up with the sleaze in the House.

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People don't blame Trump for higher prices because Trump is propped up by a massive propaganda machine.

And it's not just Faux. We still haven't seen anything from those stolen documents, as far as I can tell. It took maybe minutes for stolen documents from the DNC to make it to the papers, and the same for Hunter's laptop.

Billionaires for DJT - that should be a bumper sticker.

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Hey, don't diss on Scrooge McDuck (just kidding, great image).

So now the once-and-never to be re-elected Donald J. Trump says the Congressional Medal of Honor is a better award than that awarded to military recipients because civilians don't have to be injured or killed to receive it. Just one more in his attacks on POWS being suckers and losers, his feuds with Gold Star families, his belittling of those killed in combat.

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