Excellent toon and blog today, Clay. Each day since the inauguration, I've become increasingly angry and disillusioned. It's so disheartening to see this current administration just wreak havoc over our Constitution and the citizens of our country. I'm glad to see so many, like you, call them out on their bullshit. Thank you for what you do. <3
All I can do is hope the Felon and his flunkies are overplaying their hand, and that soon, some Rs will find their backbones and say, “Enough!” My fear is any R with a backbone and integrity has already left the building…
The smirk was pretty obvious. But I was pointing out that you still haven't seen that day. You'll find better company the further you can maintain distance. Unless you think that the 50 GOP Senators who DID for Hegseth actually believe him to be an acceptable nominee? Three tops. (Who voted in Rubio's place? or was his formal approval as Sec. of State delayed until after the vote for Defense?)
Don’t give that shitbag an ounce of credit, it was nothing more than a senior moment, just like when he was all on board to impeach Trump, and quickly cowered because he is nothing but a treasonous coward.
It will be interesting to see how Faux and other "mainstream" media cover Hegseth when he does his first overseas visit to a military base near a combat / war zone.
Yesterday, Brett Stevens of the NYTimes (smugly) wrote that he is not opposed to diversity or inclusion, but finds the question of equity suspect. In Spain they would call him a gillipoyas, in Mexico a pendejo, in much of the rest of the Spanish speaking world un hijo de puta. He sees the end of DEI as a major victory. For whom? Would Barney be a DEI hire? Look in the mirror, Pete: hire the incompetent.
I noticed yesterday that Varvel can't spell. Where is his editor?
I also noticed Goodwyn's toon yesterday. Isn't that man out of gas for his light yet? He showed democrats sliding over a cliff, and his messiah trump as being center. Goebbels would be very proud of Goodwyn.
Goodwyn seems to be an idiot for Trump. Or he's just pandering to sell toons. Hard to tell the difference.
I will, however, tell you something. This mess has been brought to us by those on the left who keep right on blathering about "tolerance for all opinions" and I suspect they'll keep right on blathering while they're shoved into a gas oven. Tolerance without limits is nothing but cowardice, as is being shown by our major corporations every day now. Either we fight back using the tools that exist, or we're going to be crushed. Not by Trump, he's an incompetent boob. Not all Nazi's are incompetent.
I'm totally with you on that. I don't agree to disagree with liars, racists, and gaslighters. I was out with a nice lady and she's like-minded, but told me I should try to come to peace and understanding with MAGAts but I told her no. I can't normalize this or come or find togetherness with people who are destroying our nation. I'm all for our nation remaining divided rather than come together with MAGAts. Fuck them.
Excellent toon and blog today, Clay. Each day since the inauguration, I've become increasingly angry and disillusioned. It's so disheartening to see this current administration just wreak havoc over our Constitution and the citizens of our country. I'm glad to see so many, like you, call them out on their bullshit. Thank you for what you do. <3
All I can do is hope the Felon and his flunkies are overplaying their hand, and that soon, some Rs will find their backbones and say, “Enough!” My fear is any R with a backbone and integrity has already left the building…
I never thought I'd see the day when I agreed with Mitch McConnell on anything.
I doubt you agree with Mitch: It was legacy posturing on his part. Had his vote been needed, be assured he would have voted for Hegseth.
Maybe I should have included a smirk 😏 at the end of the sentence to make my sarcasm clear.
The smirk was pretty obvious. But I was pointing out that you still haven't seen that day. You'll find better company the further you can maintain distance. Unless you think that the 50 GOP Senators who DID for Hegseth actually believe him to be an acceptable nominee? Three tops. (Who voted in Rubio's place? or was his formal approval as Sec. of State delayed until after the vote for Defense?)
Relax. I am not joining the Mitch McConnell fan club. It was a joke, nothing more.
Your comment was fine and totally understood.
Don’t give that shitbag an ounce of credit, it was nothing more than a senior moment, just like when he was all on board to impeach Trump, and quickly cowered because he is nothing but a treasonous coward.
I didn't. As I said above, it was sarcasm. A joke. Snark.
It will be interesting to see how Faux and other "mainstream" media cover Hegseth when he does his first overseas visit to a military base near a combat / war zone.
How soon will Hegseth break his promise to stop drinking? Or maybe he already has.
This group of assholes is both ludicrous and scary as they run to undo anything good from previous administrations.
Btw, saw that Google has had to change the names of the Gulf of Mexico and Mt. Denali.
It's still Mexico on my Maps.
Still says "Gulf of Mexico" on Google Maps, at least where I sit.
They may have changed them, but they weren't obligated to do so.
They are suck ups. Don't want the brown shirts coming after them.
Well my phone is getting less crowded every day. What will have to go next because it became a traitor?
This toon and blog are so clearly enlightening and upsetting.
Yesterday, Brett Stevens of the NYTimes (smugly) wrote that he is not opposed to diversity or inclusion, but finds the question of equity suspect. In Spain they would call him a gillipoyas, in Mexico a pendejo, in much of the rest of the Spanish speaking world un hijo de puta. He sees the end of DEI as a major victory. For whom? Would Barney be a DEI hire? Look in the mirror, Pete: hire the incompetent.
I noticed yesterday that Varvel can't spell. Where is his editor?
I also noticed Goodwyn's toon yesterday. Isn't that man out of gas for his light yet? He showed democrats sliding over a cliff, and his messiah trump as being center. Goebbels would be very proud of Goodwyn.
Goodwyn seems to be an idiot for Trump. Or he's just pandering to sell toons. Hard to tell the difference.
I will, however, tell you something. This mess has been brought to us by those on the left who keep right on blathering about "tolerance for all opinions" and I suspect they'll keep right on blathering while they're shoved into a gas oven. Tolerance without limits is nothing but cowardice, as is being shown by our major corporations every day now. Either we fight back using the tools that exist, or we're going to be crushed. Not by Trump, he's an incompetent boob. Not all Nazi's are incompetent.
I'm totally with you on that. I don't agree to disagree with liars, racists, and gaslighters. I was out with a nice lady and she's like-minded, but told me I should try to come to peace and understanding with MAGAts but I told her no. I can't normalize this or come or find togetherness with people who are destroying our nation. I'm all for our nation remaining divided rather than come together with MAGAts. Fuck them.
Maybe Varvel thought that those people were being deported to Columbia, Maryland.