Beautiful. I’m with you all the way bub.

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Fuck AI. They'll never be able to fully capture your style OR mine.

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I would never have guessed that you didn't know how to draw, Clay. I think that you have one of the most distinctive styles out there and it works perfectly for the types of cartoons you do. I always look forward to when the next 'toon will drop. You are irreplaceable!

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Hopefully, Clay, you and other cartoonists won't have to worry too much about AI. Reasonable people all know that AI is a tool for many things, but it is incapable (so far) of any actual creativity. And the companies in silicon valley who are investing heavily in AI are all taking a bath on it and losing tons of money because it's not panning out they way they had hoped. If there's one thing AI is good at doing, it's teaching us to appreciate our humanity and the humanity of others. For more information about the bleak outlook of AI, check out this Substack article by Ted Gioia: https://www.honest-broker.com/p/expect-heavy-turbulence-for-the-next

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Damn. AI is a threat. This toon is fabulous and the blog educated me. Thanks Clay.

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Wow, I'm not a football fan, never have been, never will be but I always supported Kap in his efforts to bring his cause to light. In this case of supporting AI, I have to disagree with him 100%! Bad move, Kap! Stick to kneeling.

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WWWK say? (What would Walt Kelly say?)


WWAS say?

Art Spiegelman

Keep on truckin', Clay.

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Keep up the good work.

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Like you, I have been supportive of Colin Kaepernick ever since the first time he 'took a knee' to protest police killings of unarmed Black people. But I am VERY disappointed that he didn't think through and find a better way to rid himself of $4 million if it was really weighing him down. I tried AI on my blog just once, told my readers up front what it was, and was disappointed that while it was factually correct, it lacked personality, lacked energy. I will NEVER use AI to write anything and will not feature or read any cartoons that are AI-generated! I like my cartoons drawn by real people!

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Clay, I agree hate AI want nothing to do with it or those listen things in your house that will turn on or off what ever it is you want done. I am a senior and some of the newer technology I want no part of. I am fairly computer smart enough to do a lot of thing. I can manage my cell phone fairly well, my ipad still gives me a headache. But otherwise I do fairly well. Love your work keep it up.

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Don't be a Luddite. AI is here. Somebody's going to develop it and invest in it. At least this investor has an ethical belief system.

My sister is doing machine learning research work. I asked her why. She said - Somebody's going to do it. Might as well be me.

Besides your actual best skill is your insights into the issues. You may end up using software in another way.

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