17 hrs agoLiked by Clay Jones

Dear FBI,

Now do Clarence Thomas.

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You got that right.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Clay Jones

Excellent toon and educational blog.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Clay Jones

Corruption in the NYC mayors office seems to be pandemic, no matter the party of the person holding the office. Some are just better at hiding their corruption than others.

It's hardly a surprise. The budget overseen by Adams is north of 110 billion a year. It doesn't take much in the way of sticky fingers to become very wealthy in that office. Many have sold their souls for far less.

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Oh, yes, I recognized the call back to the Nast era and Boss Tweed. I was and wasn't surprised by the indictment of Adams. Some of the reporting on him at the beginning of his term implied shady dealings and then when they started pulling peoples electronics and others resigning you know the poop is going to hit the fan.

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I've had a few replies, nice, that wasn't aware what this was.

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Your distinctive style shines through in this Nast-inspired Graphic Editorial.

I expect that some of the Worst, Stupidest, QMAGAT (redundant), Impostor “Cartoonists” will steal this idea, except that they will merely Copy and Paste Nast’s original


into a new frame and sign it, with no reference to Nast, implying that they created it from scratch. 🤬

⬇️Pre-Election Signature:⬇️



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Thanks, buddy. I can see a few doing something like what you describe...and I can even think of a few specifically. You rock.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Clay Jones

Thank you for the Wiki link - I've seen Nast's cartoons in the past (not sure where, but they look familiar and are quite memorable) and I knew nothing about him, so it's an interesting article for me to read. I can't get past the pay-wall on the post, unfortunately, and don't have the money at the moment. But again, thanks for the link!

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Don't worry about the paywall. It was for another cartoonist. Lizard-Bro is cheating on me.

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It was one of Ann's cartoons. Here is her IG for it:


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Excellent cartoon and commentary. The level of corruption involving the Tweed ring was staggering (even for the Gilded Age) and Nast's cartoons punctured that bloated windbag (who was not, so far as we know, orange). But, for a political cartoonist Nast in many ways set a high bar on civic responsibility.

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