What ISN'T he overcompensating for?

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How I hate him. Awesome Cartoon though.

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We are talking about Trump, every person that is not white looks the same to him.

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But he even got the person wrong, the date wrong and the fact that someone else messed in their diaper (not him).!! I honestly think Tiny has the hots for our Veep soon to be President (if he carries on in this manner).

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What has Trump got right that wasn't obvious to everyone else?

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Excellent toon and blog...pointing out outrageous lies and stupidity.

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Trump lies about everything. He doesn't know what reality is any more.

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I'll never look at the statement, the size of his crowds, the same way again 🤭

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Maybe if he said "I get bigger mobs" he might have gotten a pass on this whopper.

More NRBQ today. And Alvvays.

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