Like you, I am an Independent, never have registered with either party nor felt a need to. I am very much a liberal, but have on occasion voted for a Republican, though it will not likely happen again! My first choice for VP would have been Mark Kelly, but I'm okay with Walz, too. I'm sure it was viewed by many far more knowledgeable than me, and from a number of different viewpoints, so hopefully it will end up having been the right decision. And at least he's not weird 😉

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The party system in the US is a source of global ridicule. Combined with a winner-take-all electoral system and low voter turn out, the two party system promotes conflict rather than compromise and the primaries accentuate that, since only the bases of the parties (the most partisan and extremist) come through. I suppose that being an independent offers some comfort to those who are, but it disallows one from participation in the primaries (in most places.)

In California (open primaries), the rather underhanded tactics used by Adam Schiff's campaign to undermine Katie Porter's run for the Senate so that he can run in the generals (essentially unopposed) against Steve Garvey. In other places, where the primaries are closed to non-Party participation she would have had a better chance. True, closed primaries are weighted to extremist positions, but there must be a better way to select candidates than those used in CA. The Dems use a super-delegate weighting system that brings in candidates who are more centrist, but that feels like the old parties (smoke filled rooms anyone?)

Actually, my affinities are more or less anarcho-syndicalist, but I register as a Dem. Why? I vote in a solid blue state and the primaries are where the real action is. Opposition to democracy is strong in the US and accentuated by the two party system. Students should be taught about the Byzantine empire and its demise in whatever passes for world history/civics in their educations.

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You can't have running mates from the same state.

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Yet another argument for splitting California into 3 or 4 states (as well as increasing Senatorial representation.) Anyway, it's easy enough to establish residence in another state. There was - not so long ago - the suggestion that Rubio register as a resident of Maryland (or VA) in order to run as The Orange One's (subservient) mate. Or that Agent Orange register in NJ where he has a small property (Bedminster). So, while you are theoretically correct, Clay, I think there would be an easy way for Ms Porter to register in another state. Can a resident of DC be a candidate (since it's not a state?)

Listening to the Pixies: Doolittle.

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I like Walz, but I'm pretty easy and would have been happy with Shapiro or Kelly, too. Walz was my fave, though. I think he balances Harris really well. I'm seeing lots of joy in this campaign and that makes me happy for a change.

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The "common sense" selection of a white male is an example of DEI in American politics. I would rather have seen Katie Porter's promotion than any of the men who were considered. Nothing particularly wrong with any of them (well, Shapiro whose outspoken support of Israel would have cost the Dems Michigan, at the very least), but the exclusion of so many other viable vice-presidential candidates to get a while male on the ticket does feel like a DEI hire.

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I wasn't thinking of him being 'balanced' in terms of him being a white male - that never occurred to me. I was thinking along the lines of him being more relatable due to being a mid-Western, middle-class, former teacher, farm-boy-type as compared to her West Coast, attorney-type. Interesting that we've thought so differently about this!

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Tim Walz is a Vet (through 24 years in the National Guard). He was even deployed overseas for a while. He has a 100% rating with Veteran organizations for the terms he served in the U.S. Congress, including being a member of the Veteran Affairs committee. He was a high school teacher and football coach for 20 years when he was a young man. He and his wife are parents to two children who would not have been born except for IVF intervention. He does not hate guns but he has passed common sense laws in Minnesota to keep citizens safer. He works hard for the children in his state, being sure they have access to programs that help them to be fed. He is strongly pro-union. Those are just a few of the things that should make him a champion to millions of middle Americans who would like for Washington to pay attention to us FOR A CHANGE. And I heard him speaking this morning and he is articulate without talking down to people and us cat-ladies (childless OR with children) have got to be loving that about him also!

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

A VP hasn't made a difference in a state win since 1960. Think of it this way, how many people in PA would vote for Harris-Shapiro but won’t vote for Harris-Walz? I don’t see how Walz would cost the dems PA.

I’m actually kind of surprised, the guy seems like almost the perfect complement to Harris. Former military, teacher, regular midwestern nice guy. Good luck trying to paint him as some super liberal uber progressive. Shapiro would have been OK too but best leave him running PA. Liked Kelly too but why risk that senate seat. I really would have liked to see Cooper, it’s too bad he has a nutjob Lt Gov who would have made things messy when Cooper was out of state.

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I live in PA and love the governor but he needs to stay in place to keep the state blue.

Also I am Jewish and fear Shapiro would be the target of all those RWNJs who pride themselves in their antisemitism. None of that 'I have friends who are Jewish' remarks.

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I agree. I don't strongly agree, but I do agree that Shapiro would have been the more politically savvy choice.

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Not gonna scream at you, we all have our opinions. I think any of the people proposed would be good. Trump and Vance are going to stir up enough drama I don't think we need to give them a bigger target in the form of Gov. Shapiro. Also, don't we need to leave these governors and Senators where they are? Sorry, I'm not good at following all the ins and outs of the political gaming.

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Problem with Shapiro (nope, the politicians aren't gonna say this) is that if Shapiro was the nominee you'd be sending three Jews to DC, Shapiro, his wife and Harris's husband. While that's not a problem for me or you, there's a number of persuadable voters that would go "NUH UH!" over that image. Such is life in 21st century USA.

Swift boating, as was done to Gore, only works once, and then only if the other guy was in the military too. Comparing bone spurs to 24 years of service in the Guard is a bridge to far for any not already in the MAGA base.

The supposition that the VP can deliver their state is generally wrong. SOMETIMES it works, as with LBJ, but that was a long time ago. Walz can deliver a decent speech, is active enough to be able to campaign, plus he has a secret weapon.

Imagine this, Walz, bald with a white fringe, looking like a happy gramps, says "hey, look at me, look at this white hair this wrinkly face, this bald head! Go look at Trump and then think to yourself, that's millions of dollars of beauty treatments and plastic, because HE'S NEARLY TWENTY YEARS OLDER THAN ME!" OMG, imagine the screams.

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I respect your right to self identify.

I'm a Radically Independent Moderate. I've voted R and D, generally for the more moderate candidate that wants to get stuff done, working with everyone who is willing to work with others, and definitely NOT for the "pure" ones of either conservative or progressive perspectives.

Would anyone in the R party, which I call RICO (Republican In Claim Only), consider me moderate? Nah. What is currently the wolf in sheep ware is a cult, worshiping a false prophet, who love conspiracies and have lost their way from the fiscally conservative, non white christian nationalistic party that was the Republican party.

Tim Walz. Seems like a nice guy. When hit with $H!T dished by orange guy and couch guy, smiles, accepts some of the criticism (yes...we feed the children and provide education...call me liberal, please) and then with a smirk can send back the best lines with a northern, midwestern version of "bless their lil ole hearts!"

I'm not a political guru. Is it best for a VP to deliver one state, or for a VP to help deliver everywhere? The D party already has fractures over Israel/Gaza, so while Shapiro might delivery Pennsylvania, he might make that topic worse. I'd be okay with Kelly and I'm sure there are many more that might be good too.

But I'm a never Trumper, always have been. I held my nose and voted for Clinton and for the first time in my political voting career did NOT vote for the winning candidate. Do I regret some of them, yes, but that's another thread.

I'm hoping Walz is able to help the D ticket project normalcy, continue to point out the complete and absolute weirdness of Trump & Vance, explain why it's a good thing to allow people to have control over their own health (including reproduction), provide access to water, food, health, education, etc....

I enjoy your viewpoints, even when I don't always agree.

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You're not necessarily wrong, Clay. If Ms. Harris loses, this will be a question for the ages. But Mr. Shapiro would have come with baggage also. His fierce support for Israel may have cost her votes in states such as Michigan, which she also needs. I'm thinking he'll campaign hard in PA for the ticket to get votes (I live in PA, agree with the choice of Waltz).

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Harris Selection for VP Shows that the 2020 Minnesota Summer of Love, Immigration and Transgender Policy is Coming to a Theater Near You Soon. https://shorturl.at/ku52w

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Clay, you are correct, I don’t agree with your assessment of Walz, but don’t take my word for it, listen to Josh Shapiro’s speech in Philadelphia the other night. Sounds to me that HE thinks that Walz is the better choice for VP than himself. And as the very popular Governor of the Commonwealth, he guarantees that HE will deliver Pennsylvania to Harris in November. 😉















🇺🇸November 5th, 2024.

🇺🇸Save the Date.


🇺🇸*Susan B_A from Resistanceville


🌊[We Need A Blue Wave that is]



🌊*Glenn Kirshner

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I would rather have Katie Porter than Shapiro as Veep. He's too overtly committed to Israel, she's whip smart and soon to be unemployed because of Schiff's rather underhanded nomination for Senate. I've nothing against Walz for that matter but I am enamored of Katie and her white board. Anyway, a white male (DEI) is what the party wanted and what they got.

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I am in complete agreement with you here, Clay. Get JS, get PA. I thought that was a no brainer.

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