Trumping NOAA
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will get a quick kiss of death if Trump is elected
It should be noted that while Tropical Storm Helene, formerly, Hurricane Helene, batters the East Coast, Project 2025 outlines plans to dismantle the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Trump and Republicans do not like NOAA because you know, it’s a government agency that uses science and facts. Remember, Trump is a guy who’d rather listen to Joe Rogan than Dr. Anthony Fauci and treat COVID with bleach and horse dewormer.
As you may recall, Project 2025 is a guideline for the next Republican administration, meaning Donald Trump. It’s sponsored by The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing goosestepping think tank in Washington, DC. Over 350 right-wingers have taken part in creating the document with many of them, or most, being former members of the Trump administration (sic).
In addition to deporting millions of people, creating concentration camps for Trump’s enemies, replacing thousands of government workers with MAGA goose steppers, banning pornography, and installing Christian Sharia law, among other things, Project 2025 wants to destroy NOAA
The document states, “The National Oceanographic [sic] and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories.”
Trump says he has no connection to Project 2025 although a lot of his people are writing. Do you really believe the Heritage Foundation is spending millions on this project only for shits and giggles?
The person who wrote the chapter about NOAA is Thomas Gilman, a former Chrysler executive who was Trump’s chief financial officer for NOAA’s parent body, the Commerce Department. He describes NOAA as a “colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future US prosperity.”
These people can’t be taken seriously when they believe scientists are part of a “climate change industry.” Think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the Heartland Institute are part of the anti-science industry and receive much of their funding from the fossil fuel industry.
Warning about climate change doesn’t make a person an “alarmist.” A better example of an alarmist is a person who screams that “illegal” Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Springfield.
Here’s an “alarm” for you: If Trump wins, JD Vance will visit every home in the nation while wearing mascara and latex gloves. Sure, your daughters will probably be safe, but you will not want to keep your couch.
Gilman writes that one of NOAA’s six main offices, the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, should be “disbanded” because it issues “theoretical” science and is “the source of much of NOAA’s climate alarmism.” This is also the agency that works with public safety, as in tracking hurricanes.
Gilman says data from the National Hurricane Center must be “presented neutrally, without adjustments intended to support any one side in the climate debate.” The side this data supports is the side of facts. There are two sides in the climate debate. The side that deals with facts and the side that deals with bullshit.
Over 97 percent of published climate scientists believe that human activity is the primary cause of climate change. The other three percent (in case you’re a Republican, 100 - 3 equals 97) work for yee-haw think tanks.
The Trump administration (sic) deleted information about science and climate change from government websites and stifled climate scientists. If Trump is sent back to the White House, nothing will be holding him back to delete all the science coming from government agencies and replace it with corporate-provided bullshit, like fish and turtles love to swim in oil and toxic waste.
If government agencies only release information that shitweasels and fucknuts want to hear, then we’re all going to die.
Gilman wants the National Weather Service, which is a part of NOAA, to be privatized. I can’t wait until Newell Brands, the owner of Sharpie, to predict future hurricanes.
Science and facts often go against corporate interests. And if accurate forecasting gets in the way of profits, do you trust corporate America to tell us when it’s going to rain, or snow, when the air isn’t breathable, or when a hurricane is coming?
Oddly enough, many of the states hit hardest by hurricanes will vote for the guy who’ll dismantle the system that warns them about hurricanes. But then again, the poorest states are Red states that continuously keep voting against their best interests.
The good news is that if an unexpected and unannounced hurricane wipes out your neighborhood, you’re getting some free paper towels being tossed your way by some tiny orange hands.
Easter egg note: I don’t usually tell you what or where they are. You either have to figure them out for yourselves or have another reader help you.
Music note: I listened to the Scorpions, but just for a minute because it got old quickly.
Drawn in 30 seconds:
Timelapse with voiceover:
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Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I’m currently out of copies but I’ll restock my personal batch soon so you order your copy signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only ten copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00
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“The good news is that if an unexpected and unannounced hurricane wipes out your neighborhood, you’re getting some free paper towels being tossed your way by some tiny orange hands.”
Actually, free paper towels are only available for Shithole Territories and Countries.
If you are in a Red State, you might get some Thoughts And Prayers, if they are not tied up with a recent Mass Shooting. 🤬
⬇️Pre-Election Signature:⬇️
So, a powerful message in this toon and blog...we will be shit without science. And since most sicko sexists appear to be republicans, they just want to own prono. Masterpiece toon.