Do you remember Robert Dear? Robert Dear was a religious fundamentalist fucknut who was inspired by the fake videos created by the Center for Medical Progress, an organization that claimed Planned Parenthood was selling the body parts of dead babies. Dear was so outraged that he drove to Colorado Springs in 2015 and attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic with an SKS rifle, killing three people and injuring nine. One of those killed was a police officer. In his interview with police, Dear cited the videos created by Project Veritas and shouted in court, “No more dead babies.”
The videos created by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) were fake. They were sting operations. The participants from CMP lied to employees of Planned Parenthood (PP) about who they were representing, and the videos were edited to give the impression that PP was selling body parts from dead babies. It was all a lie.
The Center for Medical Progress never took responsibility. The Center for Medical Progress never apologized. The Center for Medical Progress never toned down its rhetoric. The Republican Party never denounced the Center for Medical Progress and not only ignored CMP’s involvement, but many continued to push the organization’s lies.
On the day someone was found hiding in bushes along the 6th hole of one of his golf clubs with the supposed intention to shoot him, Donald Trump had posted on Truth Social, “I hate Taylor Swift.” Before the day was over, he was demanding that Democrats “tone down their rhetoric.”
Trump said that this rhetoric “is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country.” The guy can’t even stop his hateful rhetoric in the same sentence demanding Democrats to stop their hateful rhetoric.
That’s the pot calling the kettle black, and then the pot claiming the kettle just “turned black.” I wrote that sentence before I decided to make it a cartoon.
Yes, most of this blog was written before I drew the cartoon because I didn’t have my idea yet. Anyway…
Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, dolphin porn aficionado, Mountain Dew swiller, mascara wearer, and guy who likes to get squishy with couches, told the press that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris should “tone down their rhetoric.” He also said, “The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months (wink wink, nudge nudge).” Of course, neither Biden nor Harris has literally called Trump Hitler, but JD has.
Elon Musk posted on X/Twitter, “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala,” then he took it down and later cried in multiple posts that nobody can take a joke. The Right’s arguments is basically that liberals need to stop the hateful rhetoric and interpret the Right's hateful rhetoric as jokes.
Donald Trump’s rhetoric has inspired mass shootings that the Right ignores such as the one in El Paso, Buffalo, and Christ Church. After a shooting in Iowa in January of this year, Trump expressed condolences then said, “Get over it.”
My friend and colleague, Jack Ohman (who convinced me to start a Substack) listed “Vermin. Threatening Hillary with a ‘Second Amendment solution,’ bloodbath, very Fine People, Scum, low IQ. Ted Cruz’s father as Oswald's accomplice, Mike Pence deserves to be killed, Gen. Milley is a traitor and deserves execution, January 6, and Ashli Babbit was murdered” as Trump rhetoric that all fall into the hateful rhetoric category.
Cartoon Stinkers, an anonymous Faceboook group that criticizes political cartoons, took one apart yesterday that blamed Democratic rhetoric, and provided a list asking, “Who said it?”.
That list included:
“If we don't win this election, I don't think you're going to have another election in this country.”
“If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country.”
“My political opponents are Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country.”
“I can see myself using the National Guard and, if necessary, I’d have to go a step further.”
“Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store, shot.”
“immigrants in the United States illegally are poisoning the blood of our country."
“I will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country."
"In some cases they're not people, in my opinion. But I'm not allowed to say that because the radical Left says that's a terrible thing to say. These are animals, OK, and we have to stop it.”
“And then I got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time. And a lot of people said that that's why the Black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against.”
What part of any of that isn’t hateful?
Trump has also proposed shooting immigrants as they cross the border and filling the Rio Grande with sharks and alligators.
You have to remember that Trump started his 2016 presidential campaign on hate. Before the campaign, he latched onto the birther lie, that President Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States. As a hate bonus, they added that he was born in Kenya…you know…where a lot of Black people live, a place Trump would later add to his list of “shithole” countries. He only wanted immigrants from places like Norway…you know…where a lot of White people live. Shockingly, he didn’t propose bringing in more immigrants from Loompaland, where a lot of Orange people live, but he did suggest that if the sharks and alligator thing didn’t work out, to fill the Rio Grande with Hornsnozzlers, Snozzwangers, Vermicious Knids, and Whangdoodles. That would keep me out of the water.
During his campaign announcement that he had to pay actors to attend, he accused Mexico (a place where a lot of Brown people live) of sending us “rapists” and “murderers.”
Now, Trump is claiming thousands of Americans are being murdered by “illegal” immigrants which isn’t even close to being true. He and JD are claiming “illegal” Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio which Vance has admitted (I told you he’s stupid) is a lie he spread to get people to talk about immigration. And there’s a lie within the lie because the immigrants aren’t “illegal.”
Now, because of the lie that Haitians are eating house pets, Springfield is being inundated with bomb threats. Neither Trump or JD has stopped telling the lie or have condemned and demanded that the bomb threats stop. Even when asked about the bomb threats, Trump said that immigration was more dangerous.
What’s more dangerous is Donald Trump becoming president.
Today, Donald Trump Jr, who is also an idiot, howled over a statement from Hillary Clinton that his idiot father is a danger to this nation, ignoring that his father claims if Kamala Harris is elected, that she’ll destroy the nation. As usual, it’s OK when a Republican does it.
It’s not hateful to state a fact, that Donald Trump is a danger to this nation. He’s made that clear with his own statement about “canceling” the Constitution. becoming a dictator for a day, and jailing his political enemies, such as the media.
Is it hateful to say, “Let’s feed Donald Trump to a Snozzwanger?”
Drawn in 30 Seconds:
Timelapse with a voiceover:
Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon at Claytoonz is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I’m currently out of copies but I’ll restock my personal batch soon so you order your copy signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.
Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only ten copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00
Tip Jar: If you want to support the cartoonist, please donate through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402
Did anyone else participate in the National Voter Registration Day? We registered 13 people, answered twice as many questions (mostly "Did I get suspended by Gov Abbott and how can I get my voting registration reestablished?") and had about 50 lawn signs on voting, registration, important dates as 30K and 10K of vehicle traffic drove by in Houston, Tx.
I'm hoping that everyone is "Doing Something".
Absolutely brilliant cartoon and blog today!